Part 18

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(Time skip to the day before they leave to film)

The whole rest of the trip me and Charlie didnt talk about the kiss. I was constantly thinking about it but just kept putting in the back of my mind. 

"Hey are you all packed?", my mom said coming into my room.

"Yap just need to pack my carry on."

"Im gonna miss you so much.", she said hugging me I hugged her back.

"Im gonna miss you too but, I'll call you every day."

"Okay I love you.", she said.

"Love you too mom.", with that she walked out of my room. 

I grabbed a back pack to make my carry on bag. I packed airpods, a phone charger, gold fish, some fruit snacks, a book, deodorant, tooth brush and paste, chap stick, my emergency bag, my make up bag, some sunscreen, hand sanitizer, lotion, perfume, etc. I had so much luggage because I was gonna be gone for a long time. Once I zipped my bag I heard a knock on my window. I went over to it, it was Charlie.

"Hey you all done?", he said climbing in my room.

"Yeah are you?", I said.


"Im gonna miss this place.", I said looking around, it would have been the longest I was away from home. 

"I will too, but at least we wont have to be away from each other.", he said trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, I better get to bed we have to get up early."

"Me too.", he said going to go back out the window, I followed him so I could lock it. Before he left he gave me a peck on the lips shocking me. I smiled at him and he smiled back going to his room. I shut and locked my window. After I went and laid in my bed shedding a few tears I really was gonna miss my parents. I woke up to my alarm going off it was 3 and our flight was at 5. I grabbed all my stuff getting one last look at my room, I saw my bunny,  I need to pack that, I said as I grabbed it and put it in my carry on bag. Oh! I need my car sick band and medicine good thing I didnt forget that. 

"You ready to go?", my mom said as I walked down stairs. 

"Yap.", I said we walked outside. 

Since I was riding to the airport with Charlie I said my goodbyes now. I hugged my parents bye and told them I loved them. Then, got in the car with Charlie and his mom, he had already said goodbye to the rest of his family.  When we got to the airport he said bye to his mom and we went inside. I could tell Charlie was a little antsy.

"You good Char?", I said.

"No, I told you im terrified of planes."

"I know but I didnt think you where this scared, here.", I said taking his hand. He started a breathe a little better. 

"Thanks.", he said, I nodded. All through the airport I held his hand. 

We had just finished going through security and where waiting in the place we board the plane. "Did you bring your bunny?", I asked Charlie trying to distract him.

"Yeah but its in my suitcase."

"Mines in my carry on bag if you think it will help." He nodded I got it out and handed it to him. Then I remembered to take my medicine and put on my bracelet. 

After I did that Charlie asked me, "Can you please hold my hand again it helped?"

"Yeah sure.", I said grabbing his hand again.

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