Part 5

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(5 days until he leaves)

I woke up to an alarm blaring. I knew it wasn't my phone and couldn't find Charlie to turn it off, so I made the executive decision to wake him up.

"Charlie get up!", I said while shaking him. He groaned and found his phone to turn off his alarm. I looked out the window and it was still dark.

"Good morning.", he said in his morning voice which I loved.

"Why did you set an alarm so early?", I questioned then made myself comfortable in the bed again.

"Because we're going to watch the sunrise .", he said while getting out of bed.

"But I'm tiredddd."

"It will be fun I promise.", he said pulling the covers off of me and dragging me out of bed.

"Okay let me get dressed.", he left the room and went into the bathroom while I changed into a over-sized shirt and ripped jeans.

", he left the room and went into the bathroom while I changed into a over-sized shirt and ripped jeans

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"Charlie you can come back in!", with that he came in fully dressed in a striped shirt and kayaks.

"Charlie you can come back in!", with that he came in fully dressed in a striped shirt and kayaks

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"Oooo I like that outfit.", he said sitting beside me.

"You don't look too bad yourself.", I said resting my head on his shoulder because I was still tired.

"As much as I'd like to sit here we have to go before the sun comes up."

"Fine.", I said and the got up. Me and Charlie got a basket and put a blanket, our breakfast of poptarts, and two water bottles in it. Once we got that done we were off to the beach since last night we decided that would be the best place. When we got there the sun had barely risen. It was beautiful.

"How's right here?", he asked me. I nodded and he set out the blanket. We sat down and just listened to the water while watching the sunrise. Charlie handed me a pop tart and we ate them. When the sun was fully risen and people were starting to get there.

"Are you ready to go?", I said, since big crowds give me anxiety.

"Yeah.", he said standing up and giving me his hand to pull me up.

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