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It was a Saturday night and I was going on another day with Huey. To my surprise, he had asked me out on a date. I wasn't expecting Huey P. Freeman to want to go on another date with me. I know as he says we're 'semi dating', but he really had taken me by surprise the day he had asked me. It was after-school when I came from the guidance counselors office. We were doing my college plans since I had good grades in all my AP classes and I had got a pretty good score on my ACT and SATs.

My parents wanted me to go talk to the counselor early about my plans instead of waiting for my senior year as everybody else does. After I came from the office I saw Huey in the hallways doing who knows what. He's not the type of kid to skip class (I know that for a fact). I said 'hi' to him and I was about to go back to class until he had stopped me in the hallways.

We had a little small talk, but he seemed a little frustrated until he had a breakthrough by popping the golden question 'Will you go out with me this Saturday?' and liked I said before I was taken back. Of course, I said yes because this was something new for him. He told me he would pick me up around 6:00 and I was getting ready thirty minutes before he came. I wanted to wear something appropriate to go to the museum.

So I had decided to wear a long-sleeve emerald green dress. The dress was tight fitted at the stop and loose at the bottom. It had come down to my knees so I wouldn't show much skin. Then I had on some black flats because I didn't want to wear heels. Heels hurt my feet and I only wear them on special occasions, for instance, when my dad has dinner with a client at our house or when we go to a formal gathering. I didn't know if I should wear makeup or just go natural. I usually don't put on makeup, the only time I put it on is when I'm doing a video or performing. I decided to go natural because I look cute either way. I feel more alive when I'm natural! The finishing touch I did was fold up a bandanna that went with the color of my dress and wrapping it around my forehead.

If I don't ever tie my hair up it always falls in my face and that irritates me. So I always tie it up. I checked myself out in the mirror before I left my room. My parents were at a business party so that gave me the night to hang out with Huey. I walked down those long stairs we had and made it to the front door. I looked out the window to see if Huey was in his car. I saw him in the driver's seat checking himself out in the sun blocker mirror.

Awe that was so cute; trying to make himself look good. He already looks fine the way he is, but it's just cute the way he is double-checking. I was thinking about going to the car, but I didn't want to frighten him, so I just watched him. I saw him pick up his phone and started to text someone. I felt my phone buzz and checked it to see it was him. I stopped stalking him and left the house. I made sure the door was locked because I didn't want nobody sneaking in the house like Riley does now and then.

It's usually when he and Cindy get into an argument and Mr. Freeman has a date around the same time. Since my parents are gone he sometimes sneaks in. It's been happening for over a year. Nobody doesn't know he comes over not even Huey unless he does. If he did he would have said something or kept it to himself. I think he did say something about it!

Probably why he had shouted at me about Riley and I fucking each other. But I don't know when Riley sneaks into my house sometimes and Huey may have seen him doing it. That would explain a lot if he had seen him doing it. I made it to the passenger side of the door and opened it. I slid myself in the seat then closed it. I looked at Huey to see he was all dressed nice. Not that he never looks nice he most of the time is either casual or dressed like a bodyguard.

But for the first time, he was dressed formally. He had on some black pants with a tightly fitted button-up shirt. On top of that, he smelled really good. I was getting a little heated but it wasn't the temperature in Huey's car; it was more of me getting a little aroused. Oh my gosh, I can't be thinking that way. I don't even want to do anything sexual with him, but he's making it so hard. This was a very intense vibe for me because I just wanted to get down with him now. I have to control myself so that way he won't think that I am a freak.

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