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It was the end of the day at school. Today I didn't have any dance practice because everybody deserved a break. Since we have been doing good with attendance and keeping up with the routine I reward everybody with a day off. I saw the gang by the lockers talking to each other about something.

I slipped into the group enough to hear what they were all talking about. "I'm just sayin' since we all ain't got nothing to do today and it's hot outside we can spend it at the basketball court," Riley suggested. "Wouldn't mind going by the court to jam to some beats and just chill out," Hiro agreed. "Y'all already know C-Murph don't mind chillin'," she smirked.

"I guess I wouldn't mind going beats staying at home bored out of my mind," Ming sighed as they had all then looked at Ceasar, Huey, and I. "What about y'all's asses?" Cindy asked as I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't mind going to the basketball court, I could always use the time to post on my page," I said. "Basketball ain't my thing but I'll just tag along to chill outside," Ceasar said causing Riley and Cindy to look him up and down.

He probably shouldn't have said that in front of people who love basketball. "Fuck you mean you not into basketball?" Riley re-questioned. "I'm just saying I don't have a personal interest in basketball like you and Cindy do," he shrugged off. "I think almost everybody here got a different sport they like, for instance, Ming likes kickball, Jazmine likes to dance, you two play basketball, I play soccer, and Huey does martial arts," he explained as Hiro looked at him.

"What about me, I'm just the unathletic friend or something?" he said a bit playfully hurt. "No we just don't know what you find physically interesting other than DJing," Ming said in the nicest way possible. DJing is a competitive sport, you know how tired my arms and brain be when I get done with each gig, that's why my muscles are so toned," he exaggerated. The others tried to contain their laughter while Huey was just standing on the side of the lockers not paying any attention towards us.

I sometimes wonder how he can ignore all the crazy stuff we do around him. I once tried to ignore it but I can't help but show attention towards it. "Yes, Hiro Djing is a competitive sport that requires you to move your hands on the device every five minutes," Riley said sarcastically. "Man fuck you guys," he said waved off. "So McHater are you going to join us at the court or are you going to go home and be lonely?" Cindy asked him as Huey looked up from his book with a scowl on this face.

"I'll be tagging along," he said surprising the others. "Great so everybody is coming to the basketball court," Riley said. "When should we all meet up there?" Hiro asked as Riley and Cindy were thinking about it. "Our houses aren't that far away from each other so everybody should be meeting up within 15 minutes," Cindy calculated.

"Ok, I guess I'll meet you guys there," I said clenching onto my backpack. I looked at Ceasar on my side to see that he was looking at something from afar. I looked in the direction he was looking to see one of his exes headed towards us. "Oh shit!" he cursed. Ceasar had looked at me and put his arm around me.

I'm still surprised he wants to continue the fake dating thing. He was about to lean in to kiss me on the lips, but that was until out of nowhere someone extended their arm out to punch Ceasar. It was so quick I only caught it with my eyes wide open. Next thing I know Ceasar almost falls to the ground, but thanks to his quick reflexes he was able to catch himself.

*Damn it you almost got knocked the fuck out," Riley said a bit disappointed that he didn't get to see Ceasar on the ground. "Fuck you Riley and dude what the hell was that for?" Ceasar asked obviously upset. Huey was just looking at Ceasar without any guilt that he punched him. Huey was silent for almost a minute until he finally answered: "You two disgust me out when you kiss and hug each other," he simply said as everybody looked surprised.

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