The Drive

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I was standing in my closet trying to figure out what I was going to wear to school. I picked out a bunch of outfits that just didn't satisfy me. I picked out some ripped jeans, a tight fitted crop top, and a pair of white air jordans. I did my edges and pulled my hair back into a ponytail. I checked myself in the mirror before I left my room and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

I saw both of my parents at the table talking to each other about some cases they both were doing. My mom had a plate ready for me at the table so I just sat down and said "Good Morning Mom and Dad!" with a smile on my face. "Good morning my little princess!" "Good morning Honey!" they had said to me. I started to eat my oatmeal first before I could move to the fruit last.

"So Jazmine what are you going to be doing today?" my mother had asked me taking a bite of her strawberry. "After-school I'm going to dance practice and then maybe hang out with Cindy," I told them. My parents always ask me what I'm going to do today before I leave for school. They want to be given a heads up so they know where I am. I usually tell them dance practice and then hanging out with the gang.

"I'm surprised," my mother mumbled. "Why's that?" I was curious as to why she was surprised. "Because you're usually hanging out with Huey, what happened between you two?" she simply asked. "I'm kinda upset with him because he didn't help my case with talking with a boy from school," I explained to her as I heard my dad kinda choke on his coffee. "A boy you say?" he looked at me. "Yes, he texted me, and knowing me I easily get nervous so I asked Huey for help, but instead of Huey helping me he decided to turn off my phone," I explained.

"Oh wow, I'm not surprised but that seems like enough help since you were nervous," my father seems to be in thought about it. "Yeah, plus I'm surprised you don't like Huey, I thought maybe you had a crush on him," my mom sighed. "WHAT!" I shouted making them look at me like I was crazy. "Well, I just thought since you're most of the time hanging out with him that you might have had a crush on him," I had squeaked looking kinda nervous.

"I don't, anymore! I stop having a crush on him a year or two after I met him. It was kinda obvious he didn't like me since he would make me run home crying most of the time," I quickly had explained to them. "Plus it doesn't seem like Huey is interested in anybody, I'm this close to thinking he is asexual," I closed in my fingers. "I always wondered if he had an interest in another person, but he didn't seem like he was focused on that type of stuff. Then again Riley is always calling him gay, so I had assumed he was homosexual," my mom started to point out.

"That's Riley being immature, I think he calls everybody and everything gay, " I told them. "I think we can all agree that Huey is most likely asexual, " my father said as my mom had nodded. Now that I think about it he could be asexual because he doesn't seem to like anybody.

I ate the rest of my breakfast and then I got an alert from my phone. I looked at my phone to see I got a text from Huey saying 'I'm outside'. "Okay mommy and daddy I have to leave for school to go get a good education, " I started to grab my backpack. "Okay sweetie, but I packed you lunch it's on the counter, " my mom pointed towards a brown bag with my name and a nice message on it. I know it's for kids, but this always makes my day!

"Thank you!" I said grabbing my lunch and waving her and my dad goodbye as I left the house. I saw Huey in the driver's seat of Mr. Freeman's old car that he let him have. It was either that or Dorothy and we all know that Mr. Freeman wasn't going to give up Dorothy. I walked towards the car and open the passenger seat in the front. I usually sit there when Riley is late, which is all the time.

I sat down and closed the door and looked at Huey. "Morning Huey," I said not looking at him. I didn't hear him say anything making it an awkward silence. "Morning Jazmine," he said after a couple of minutes. We still just sat there in awkward silence and he looked at me with an unconvincing face of sympathy. "Are you still upset with me?" he asked me as I didn't answer it.

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