The Hill

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I was walking towards a place I always feel comfortable: the hill. Whenever I go to the hill it's always relaxing and breathtaking when I view the setting from the top. I haven't been up here in a while. I usually come here to clear my mind, but that rarely happens. I've been so busy lately that I haven't had time to come to the hill.

I didn't know if it was me or if this hill was steep. I feel like I'm out of shape because I'm tired already. Maybe it's because I just came from dance practice. I had to do the routine over and over again until everybody had got it. I made a video before I left school and post it in the group chat. Bella told me if they can't get the routine by tomorrow then they don't need to be in the dance.

We don't have that many people on our dance team because a bunch of boys and girls got cut from the team. The reason why they got cut was that they either were failing their classes, lack of attendance in class, not showing up to practice, not getting the routine down, or being irresponsible. So they weren't making the best decisions.

I don't want to cut anybody from the dance routine because then I'll look like the bad guy. I don't want to be the bad guy, but if they can't get their stuff together then I'll have to cut them from the dance. And if they are still not doing what is asked then Bella cuts them from the team. If you get on her good side then she's a cool coach, but then if you get on her bad side she'll just straight up be mean to you.

I finally made it up the hill and I saw someone who I always see up at the hill: Huey! He was reading his book as usual when he comes up here. He doesn't say much to me when he's up here. This is the place where he likes his peace and quiet. I try my best not to mess with him and mind my own business. So to keep myself occupied I either play a game on my phone, look at the sky, do my homework, read a book, or roll down the hill. Today I was just going to stare at the sky. The sky always calms my nerves because I have the clouds to set my imagination on.

I saw Huey look at me and I just had looked away from him. I walked on the opposite side of where he was sitting and laid down. I couldn't hear anything but Huey's soft breathing. It was weird because he's always so quiet. The silents between us was bothering me. We haven't talked to each other for almost two weeks and it was just making me upset. Every time I try to talk to him he always gives me the cold shoulder.

I sat up a little bit and leaned against the tree. I looked down at the ground while holding both of my legs tight to my chest. "Huey...why are you mad at me?" I simply asked him. I didn't hear him say anything and I got a bit nervous. "Did I do anything to upset you when you left my house?" I still didn't hear him say anything. I looked the other way to see if he was listening and I saw him walking down from the hill.

There he goes again giving me the cold shoulder! I got up off the ground and ran after him. I was following behind him while he was heading back home. "Why do you keep giving me the cold shoulder Freeman? Every time I try to talk to you or even say 'hi' you always ignore me. What's the deal with that. You've been mad at me ever since you left my house," I said trying to talk to him. He was at the front door and unlocked it with his key.

He entered his house and closed the door behind him. Thank God he didn't lock it. I enter the house as well and he was heading upstairs. I was still following behind him and he had gone to his room. He removed his shoes then had laid down in his bed. He once again was reading his book which upset me more.

I got so mad that I grabbed his book out of his hand and threw it across the room. I never did something this mean to somebody. I don't like grabbing and throwing people's stuff, but Huey made me so upset that I had just snapped. "What's your problem goddammit!" he yelled at me. He got out of his bed and was scowling at me. "My problem, what's yo' down problem? I've been trying to resolve whatever issue we got between the two of us, but you keep ignoring me," I yelled at him.

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