Love Sick

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I was walking to Ceasar's house with some salmon to calm his headache down. I wasn't going to bother bringing spinach since I knew he had some at home. Ever since Huey had told me what had happened to him while he was practicing, I couldn't help but worry about him. So today I decided I was going to pay him a little visit.

I asked my parents before I left if I could go over to his house. They wondered why I was going over there until I had told them everything. So they allowed me to go over to his house. While I was walking I saw a young girl jogging down the same street I was on. She looked about my age and she was in great shape. As she got closer I could see it was Makayla wearing nothing but a black Nike sports bra along with some short shorts. When she saw me she started to slow down.

She stopped once she was in front of me. Makayla started to take out her earbuds and say: "Well it isn't Jazmine Dubious,". I saw that mischievous smirk on that face as she looked me up and down. "Where might you be heading to on a Saturday afternoon?" she crossed her arms. "I'm going to Ceasar's house," I pointed towards the direction where he stayed. I heard her hiss under her breath.

"Is there a problem?" I nicely asked her. I didn't want to seem rude even though she was being rude. "No, not a problem at all. I'm guessing you guys are in between second and third base," she fakely smiled at me. "I guess so," I silently said unsure of what she meant. She had dug her nails into her arms and bit down on her bottom lip. "Great just great, hope you two are happy," she clapped her hands together. "Hope for you and Austin; you guys are a cute couple," I smiled as she had a taken back face.

"Well, I gotta get to Ceasar's house, hope you enjoy your jog." "Hope you enjoy gagging," she quickly said. "With what, I don't gag," I giggled a little. She must have been telling me a joke, but I didn't know what she meant by choking. I wasn't going to find out so I had started towards Ceasar's house.

I felt her staring a hole into the back of my head which was making me pretty uncomfortable. I sped up my walk just so I could get away from Makayla. For some apparent reason, she was giving me a bad vibe. I have a feeling she doesn't like me. She always comes at me with insults for no apparent reason, like what did I do to you? I can't believe she is still jealous of me. It was obvious that Ceasar and I were faking it.

Although, Ceasar does come up to me at school hugging and sometimes kissing me. Some people have been asking if Ceasar and I were a thing. I didn't know what to say so I didn't answer. I was confused if Ceasar and I were still a fake couple or if he's just been doing that to be affectionate. Either way, I didn't mind it. Huey didn't seem to be bothered with what Ceasar does. I wasn't too surprised by him not saying anything because he'll just tell me: 'We're semi-dating, so it doesn't bother me!'.

People don't know that we are secretly dating; even Riley doesn't know that we are dating. If he did, then he would have said something. I see girls at school, in public, and sometimes on social media flirt with Huey. I will admit I do get bothered but I just don't say anything. If he can not give a care about it then I shouldn't either.

I made it to Ceasar's house and I saw Huey's car out of nowhere park on the side. I didn't even hear him coming from anywhere. I heard the engine turn off than he had got out of his car with a folder. He looked me up and down and asked: "What are you doing here?".

"Well hello to you too Huey," I smiled at him. "If you must know, I came to check up on Ceasar. He hasn't been present at school all week so I thought it would be good to visit him." I explained. "What are you doing here?" "I came to give Ceasar his homework," he simply said showing me the folder.

"Ok!" I looked towards Ceasar's house and made my way to the front door with Huey following behind me. I was about to ring the doorbell, but the door had opened to reveal his mom. "Hi, Mrs.Ceasar!" I greeted her with a smile. She seemed to kinda be in a hurry to go somewhere. She then had noticed I was there along with Huey. "Oh hi Jazmine and umm Huey," she smiled at me and looked Huey up and down for some odd reason. "Are you guys here to see Michael?" she asked tying her hair up.

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