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For the past couple of days, I feel like I have been getting a bad vibe from everybody. By everybody I mean Huey, Riley, Makayla, and some others I will upset along the way. I can understand why Makayla is mad, but Huey and Riley, I don't understand. Huey's been upset with me ever since he had left my house. He didn't seem that upset before he left.

He was a little irritated and didn't seem like he wanted to talk about what happened. I didn't want to make a big deal about it, so I didn't say anything. I usually cry about stuff like this, but this is so Huey. Over the past six years, I have gotten used to him doing me like this. I was in bed just laying down because I didn't have anything to do than to go practice with Ming, but that was going to be later on. I decided I was going to play a little game on my phone. I was playing Papa's Cupcakeria To Go! I was trying to make everything perfect, but I had failed that when I was startled by Riley FaceTiming me.

I didn't know if I should answer for not because I knew he was mad at me. I was going to get this over with so I had answered the call. Riley's face had popped up on my screen and he looked like he wasn't in a good mood. "Hi, Riley!" I smiled at him. "Bitch don't play with me, get ready in five, I'm coming to pick you up," he rudely said. "But Riley you don't have a-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence because he had hung up on me.

I slowly got out of my bed and went to go put on some workout clothes. I went to my closet and slipped on some light grey tights along with a tight light long sleeve grey top. I tied my hair up and slipped on some shoes. I grabbed my workout bag, then I had headed downstairs. I could see, I guess Riley's car outside, and I filled some water in my container before I had left the house.

I was walking towards the passenger seat while the passenger window was sliding down. "Bitch hurry the fuck up!" he shouted. I just walked at my normal pace and ignored Riley's temper. I got in the car and looked at Riley. "How are you two years younger than me, without a driver's license, no owner's paper in this car, and so tempered?" I simply asked. "Ed and Rummy let me borrow it; I can't ask Huey because then he'll get suspicious. "Why shouldn't he, you're his little brother who is always doing something," he had smacked his lips and rolled his eyes.

"Girl fuck that, but don't worry, I won't get us into no trouble," he said pulling the stick from park to drive. "Ok, but can you drop me off at the baseball field; you know since you're driving?" I asked him. "Sure," he sighed hard. He pulled out and started down the road. "So why have you been giving me The Freeman Scowl for the past couple of days?" I simply asked. "What scowl?" he was confused about the course. "The scowl: you, Huey, and even Mr. Freeman give to people who upset you guys," I told him. "I don't scowl as Huey does," he disagreed. "Yes, you do! You don't do it all the time because you're always in a good mood," I told him.

"Ok, Jazmine, since when have I been giving you the evil eye?" he asked. "Since Cici's, you and Huey both been giving it to me," I exclaimed. "So I just simply want to know why you have been giving it to me?" he looked like he didn't want to answer, but he had rolled his eyes. "Because of Huey," he simply just said. "Ok, what about Huey, did he tell you something?" I asked once again. "Not much, all he told me was where he came from, and he said he came from your place," he pointed at me.

"Ok, but that doesn't fully explain why you are mad at me," I told him. "You're right, but just to let you know, I'm not a dumbass, I know what was going on," my heart started to rapidly beat. "Huey didn't have to exactly say anything because his actions gave it away. You and him fucked!" I felt my eyes widen because he had finally figured it out. "No, we didn't," I awkwardly had laughed. For some reason, I do stuff to give away that I am lying.

"Oh really, so my brother running away from your house as soon as your parents arrived home doesn't give away, what had happened between the two of you?" he asked as I shook my head. "I had called Huey over because I was scared and I didn't want to come over to your house because Mr. Freeman had a date," I tried to explain. "Yeah, that might be a good cover-up of the truth, but let me finish my half of the story. When Huey came home, I asked where he was at along with Grandad, and while he was talking his breath smelled like pussy," he explained. "Okay, he could have just had bad breath," I stated.

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