(A/N: for anyone that's confused, there is now no spacing between the passenger seat and the drivers seat! Looks like a long seat, like a couch I suppose 😂)

I looked back at him, smiling at his wide eyes and his gaping mouth. He looked so fucking adorable. I just wanted to keep him to myself, away from the world so that he'd only see and witness beautiful things. Just as himself.

"Come here" I patted my lap, my voice as low as it gets when I'm around him.

He took a second to recollect himself, before smiling gratefully and scurrying next to me, resting his head on my lap. He's so small, which only makes me adore him even more. Makes me want to protect and take care of him like it's the only thing I'll ever know.

His small plump hands went up to the hem of my shirt, clutching at it for comfort. I weaved my hands through his soft blonde curls, allowing them to wander aimlessly. I marvelled at the sight of his tired eyes fluttering to keep awake.

"Thank you, kook"

"I should be the one to thank you"

"What, why?..." his voice was the epitome of calmness, laced with a hint of confusion. I wonder if his voice has always been this soft, so soft it could put any sleep deprived person into a deep slumber within seconds.

"For such a pleasurable start to my day" I smiled down at him, brushing a few strands of hair away from his eyes. "Although I'd like to be the one photographing you next time"

"I'd love that" he giggled, in that sweet angelic tone of his. I couldn't help but awe internally at his sleepy tone seeping through his lips whenever he spoke.

I would love to speak with him longer, but I'd much rather him getting a nap, which he's trying his best to prevent.

"Sleep" I commanded softly, to which he instantly complied, allowing his body to completely ease as he snuggled in closer to me, his head nuzzled in my stomach.

I admired his sleeping form, my fingers delicately combing through his soft locks as a fond smile etched its way on my lips. He looked so peaceful.

Angelic.... there really couldn't have been a more befitting name.


3rd Person POV

It hadn't taken long for them to reach their destination, which wasn't quite short either. It was a 45 minute ride, in which served as the best nap Jimin could have asked for. He hasn't slept so comfortably and in such a tranquil state in so long.

Despite all the plushies he had and the various yet soft orchestral music tracks that played in the background to help him sleep, he never fell asleep satisfied and it usually took him a good hour and a half to fall asleep.

However feeling Jungkooks strong and calming presence next to him as his hand trailed through his hair, while his soft humming resonated through his ears, had Jimin knocked out into the deepest slumber in the matter of seconds.

It was no surprise that Jungkook could sing well. It's like he was born to be talented at absolutely everything. And what made him even more perfect, was his humble attitude towards it. It truly was baffling.

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