The world after

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So much had happened since the duel with Slade a little over a year ago. Most shadows had been assigned to different Justice league members to help people. Others had gone back home to their home lands or started a new life somewhere else. Some, like Leana become a representative for her species here on earth, there were more than they had first thought. She was now working with the UN about their rights. Nero opened his own restaurant in Istanbul and it was one of the most visited places this year. Yao stayed with the shadows for a long time. Helping as many as possible to find their place then he got a job with star labs working and training Meta-kids. Damian had traveled the world shutting down Shadows HQs and with the help of his father and Jon destroyed all known Lazarus pits.

Nanda Parbat had become a place for shadows who were still trying to find their place. Damian spent much time there, talking to the shadows. Many had a hard time with the suspension of the shadows and needed time to adjust. Others had gone rogue, trying to continue the work of assassins. It was part of Damians job to shut them down too and send them to prison. He worked next to Jon with this. Jon as Superboy and himself as his new persona Demon. He had no need of being Robin anymore. He spent much time with Jon on Infinity Island, turning it into a sanctuary for animals and creating jobs there for people. In just six months it had a population of 2000 people and only a handful of them used to be shadows. There was now a town and a harbour. Damian liked seeing his childhood home turn into something more than just a base. He had always thought the island beautiful and it had been a shame most of it hadn't been used.

He was mostly happy but was worried about Nhera. He hadn't had any contact with her since the duel. He had found an address at one point and sent her a letter but had gotten no response.

After about nine months of constant work he and Jon had taken some time off. They had stayed in Metropolis with Raven and Garfield, visiting Jon's parents. Then they had all flown to Wayne manor visiting his own father and brothers. They had had dinner and during dessert. Jon had gone over to him wanting to say something in front of everyone. Damian had been oblivious but was rejoiced when Jon proposed. Damian had not thought the thought of getting married because Jon was only 19 but he gladly accepted and that was all anybody talked about for the coming months.

Jon had been excited to plan their wedding, Damian had not really cared but since it made Jon so happy he had engaged himself in it. Jon had wanted to get married sooner rather than later, seeing no real reason to wait, Damian agreed and they sat a date five months into the future. Dick and Jon were by far the most enthusiastic. Damian had mostly just agreed on whatever they decided. It would be kind of a big deal and since he was a Wayne it would be big news too. They had decided to have the reception in the Wayne enterprises fundraiser hall. It was big enough to host all the guests. The ceremony would take place at city hall since Damian had refused to get married in a church. Gotham city hall was big so still no problem to host their guests. They had decided that they both would be dressed in white. They had gotten an apartment they would move into after the wedding. Only after mostly because Jon's parents wanted him at home a little while longer. And since Damian owned about a dozen properties thanks to his grandfather Damian always had a place to stay.

"So yeah that's about it, that's everything that has happened this year. I mean I guess there's a lot more but that's the jist of it. So I guess we didn't get to rule the world together after all mother. " Damian was sitting leaned against the wall in a supply closet. He was looking at a picture of his mother. "I know you would never have approved of what I did, or what I'm about to do, but in some way I wish you could be with me here today."

The door swung opened and the light shined in Damian's eyes.

"There you are, I've been looking everywhere." Dick was standing there in a tux looking worried. "No! you are durting your suit."

"If you didn't want it to get dirty you and Jon shouldn't have chosen white."

"You agreed to that."

"I was answering the previous question if we should just forget about the hole thing."

"Damian." Dick kneeled down looking concerned at his brother. "Why are you really in here?" Damian hesitated but his brother's eyes could pierce his soul.

"I'm terrified."

"That's ok, I was too on my wedding day. Remember? Tim had to literally kick my ass to get me down the ail." Damian looked at his brother. "It's okay to be scared. But you've faced worse things."

"Not without my sword and Jon said that I couldn't bring it." He moped.

"Come on." Dick dragged him to his feet, fixing his suit. "Damian you are the bravest person I know and I promise you as soon as you see Jon it will all be okay."

"Okey." Damian hugged his brother. Something he had never done freely before Dick stood there a moment then embraced his little brother.

"Oh my god Damian."

"Don't ruin it Grayson." They ended the hug.

"You ready?"

"I guess." Dick smiled.

"Come on it will be fine." He and Dick walked to the outside of the great hall where Bruce stood waiting. He looked around and smiled at Damian as Dick went inside to take his seat. Bruce straitened Damians bowtie.

"Who had ever guessed this day would come?" Damian looked down without reacting.  "You allrigth?"

"I know it's weird but I somehow wished she was here to witness this."

"Your mother?" Damian nodded. "Damian you are not what your mother thought you'd be. You are so much more. That's the hope for every parent, that their child will grow up greater than they could ever have imagined. I am so proud of you. And if your mother was here I think she'd be too. In her own way."

"Thank you father."

"Are you ready to do this?"

"I think I am. Let's go."

They opened the doors to the great hall.

A/N So I know this chapter is short, but I just wanted to sum up some stuff because the next chapter is the last one. Well not really. I'm hoping to publish an epilogue and if there is an intrest I have a very idea for a sequel to. Pls comment if you'd like me to continue. I might take a break from this story and update it in a year when more ppl have read it.

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