Chapter 11:The lazarus pods

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Damian was talking to himself and shaking his head, Jon put him down on the floor holding him in his arms.

"Damian?"  Damian didn't seem to hear him. Jon used his super speed to get dressed then put on Damian's shirt over his shoulder. Then he called out to his dad who he knew could hear him with his super hearing. "Dad, help!" It took a minute but Clark came rushing in through the door shortly followed by Lois and Bruce.

"What is it Jonathan?" Clark said before seeing the poorly dressed boys. He got a bit uncomfortable.

"It's Damian, somethings wrong. Help him." Clark looked at the boy in his son's arms who was talking gibberish looking at something in the corner of the room. Bruce ran to Damian holding his shoulder.

"Damian what's wrong, what are you seeing?"

"Please mother, no." Damian's voice was low but Bruce understood.

"It's a side effect from the Lazarus pit. We need to get him to Alfred in the bad cave. Clark?"

"I'll fly him there. Can u get there yourself Bruce?"

"I already called the bad mobile."

"Good, Jon take your mom home."

"No, I'm coming with you." Jon had tears in his eyes, he couldn't leave Damian, not again.

"You are all three welcome to stay at Wayne manor. Now let's go." Bruce said as he signaled to Lois to come with him to go in the batmobile. Jon and Clark speed changed into their uniforms. And Clark picked up Damian who was now holding his hand over his ears, shaking his head.  They flew to the cave and were there in a  matter of minutes. Alfred was coming down the stairs as Clark put Damian in the medical bey.

"Oh, lord." Alfred exclaimed before starting to treat Damian. Removing his shirt and giving him anesthesia. But Damian kept on squirming.

"Why is it not working Alfred?" Jon's voice broke as he tried to hold back the tears.

"I don't know master Kent." They all turned around as the batmobile sped into the cave. Bruce jumped out of the car and Clark went to help Lois out.

"It's once again the Lazarus pit. It makes him resistant against drugs, even more than he normally is." Bruce explained as he went over to the armory and picked out a vile of something bright yellow. He put it in a syringe and injected it into Damians arm and Damian soon calmed down. "I use this to take out Bane. It should keep him calm for a while."

"But how do we fix him?" Jon was hysterical.

"Calm down Jonathan we'll figure this out." His father but a hand on his shoulder. "So Bruce how do we heal him?"

"I don't know. But I know someone who does." He said walking up towards the mansion and returning a while later with a phone in his hand.

"Who's thats?" Jon asked.

"It's Damians. The one he uses to be in contact with the league of assassins." Bruce used Damian's fingerprint to get in then scrolled a bit till he pressed on the screen and the phone started to call someone.

"Yes, Lord Damian."  A woman answered.

"Nhera, this is Damian's father."

"Mr Wayne, why are you contacting me?" Nheras voice was annoyed and short.

"It's Damian, he's not well. I think it has something to do with the pit."

"Is he frantic, talking to himself and hallucinating?"

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