Chapter 5: Goodbye

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Damian opened his eyes and looked at the time, 03:00. He turned to see Jon sleeping next to him but over the cover. Damian remembered. God dammit that kryptonian, he thought to himself as he smiled at Jon. Damian used his arms to push himself to a sitting position. His arms hurt. What the... He reached for his wheelchair, placing it so he could get in. He was extremely thankful for his upper body strength. He rolled into the bathroom and turned on the light. He was blinded at first and had to blink a couple of times to see properly. He looked in the mirror seeing that Jon had left several marks on his body from sucking and kissing and his nipples were sore. Then he saw the marks on his arms. Big bruises of Jon's hand were on his wrist. 

"Damn it Jon." He said very quietly as not to wake the sleeping boy in his bed. He used a towel to clean himself off. Then went into his wardrobe to change clothes. It was easier said than done but he managed. He gathered a few more things of sentimental value and put them into the duffle bag which Jon had thrown on the floor. He closed it and put it up in his lap. He didn't want to wake Jon. He knew he would be mad when he did. So he let him sleep and rolled out of his room. He went into the kitchen grabbing the box of food Alfred had saved for him. Then he went down into the bat cave. He hadn't been down there much since his "accident" but Bruce had installed a handicap lift just in case he wanted to. When he arrived down his father sat in front of the computer in his Batman uniform but with his cowl off, he was focused on something. 

"What are you looking at father?"Bruce turned around to see Damian rolling up to him. He saw the surprise in his father's eyes but tried to ignore it. He put the bag down and opened Alfred's food box.

"The league of assassins." Bruce answered, turning back to the screen. "What they have done during the years since Talia's death."


"They have been offly quiet. Still working on longtime plans. But as I can see nothing more."

"Go into my files." Bruce raised a brow at him.

"Your files?"

"Move." Damian said as he weald himself so he was at the controls putting his food to the side. He typed in some things and got up an entire new desktop with folders. Bruce looked at him, annoyed.

"What? These are my personal files. Containing everything we have done during my time. Including me and Grayson, the teen titans and my... side projects. Like including." Damian presses a folder showing countless videos and information about the league of assassins.

"And why couldn't you have had this with the other files?" Damian looked at his father then continued going through the files.

"This is Nhera." A picture of a young dark skinned woman with short black hair showed up on the screen. "She was one of mother's horsemen. She has been running the league since mother died. She is probably the one who I'll be working with and who orchestrated the attack on me."

"Do you know her?"

"Not personally. She spent most of her time in Nanda Parbat. While I was stuck on Infinity Island. But I know of her. You know the assassination on the UN president a couple of years ago?"


"All her doing. Also the three failed assassinations of Luthor during the past two years."

"What has she got against Luthor?"

"Don't know but I mean who hasn't that guy pissed off. Anyway, she has a body count well over a thousand and has been a part of the assassins since she was 13. Mother recruited her."

"Anything else you'd like to share?"

"I'll leave the files open so you can use them... whenI'm gone." A thick silence laid over the cave until  Alfred came in, oblivious that Damian was there.

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