Duel (Preparations)

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AN/ This chapter contains smut./

Dick was swung against the wall and just barely got his hands in front of him in time to soften the impact. He turned around and slided down the wall.


"There are no brakes in a duel Grayson." Damian growled from the sparing mat.

 "I know, but we have been training all morning, I need five."

*Tt* "Fine, it seems like you are getting old Grayson." Damian walked over and took his water bottle. Dick looked at Damian who was barely sweety nor seemed tired. Damian noticed his look and raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"When did you get this well trained?"

"I'm not. I am weaker than I've been in years. Hence the training."

"Damian you are faster and stronger than both me and Bruce. For god's sake Jason and Tim refuses to fight you because they knows they'd lose."

"Yeah well, neither you, father, Todd or Drake are powered by experimental military drugs, Slade is. And I don't have the luxury of losing, I have to win."

"You beat the guy when you were 10 and he was 10 years younger. Why are you worried?"

"Because he doesn't fight fair. All he needs is one opening and I'm dead and he is willing to kill I'm not."

"You're not?"

"Not anymore." Damian drank the rest of his water bottle and walked over picking up two swords throwing one to Dick. "Let's go boy wonder." Dick caught the sword and they started to spar with the swords. Damian won and they went again. It repeated about ten times before Dick needed another break. "Maybe I should call you old man wonder."

" ... Shut... up... I'm not... oh who cares?" Dick panted out and then walked over and threw himself in a chair. "I'm done." Damian looked amused at his older brother, He took a towel, wiping away some sweat and removing is damp shirt then Alfred entered the room.

"Master Richard,  master Damian your father sent me to fetch you."

"What for?" Damian raised a brow and put his shirt on the bench.

 "I did not ask." Alfred turned around and started walking out. Damian followed while Dick was still in the chair breathing heavily.

"Come on Grayson."

"... But... just five minutes."


"Ugh..." Dick stood up following.


Bruce, Jon, Jason and Tim were standing in front of the bat computer and looked at Damian, Alfred and a worn out Dick as they walked in. Dick walked over to a chair throwing himself in it. Damian gave Jon a kiss and then stood next to his father. On the screen was Nhera.

"Nhera, update." Damian said in a serious tone.

"Just as you thought, Wilson has accepted your challenge. It will take place on the dueling grounds in Nanda Parbat in a week."


"I was surprised to hear that you had exited the bunker after barely a week and then not returned. Took me a while to trace you. I expect everything went well in the bunker?"

"Yes, I'm free from the control of the Lazarus waters. I decided to come here and train. Since we have beaten Slade many times and here I can have full focus on my training. How are things with the shadows?"

"Well sir, but some are confused by your absence. And Yao is worried about your duel."

"I understand why. He trained beside Slade but tell him not to worry. Can you make all the preparations for the duel?"

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