"Cute" taehyung whispers to himself, thinking that jungkook can be childishly cute when he's drunk.

Teahyung thought he wants jungkook to always be like this, drunk if it means he can experience this childish side of him every day and not the one he just encounter a few hours ago.

"What do you want as a reward baby" taehyung replied his mate's question.

Jungkook moves away from Teahyung's chest before looking up at him with his sparkling doe eyes "hmm" jungkook hummed, putting his pointed finger on his pouty lips in a thinking gesture.

"How about a kiss" jungkook suddenly let out, looking up into his mates eyes excitedly with a bunny smile.

Taehyung got shocked for a moment by his mate's suggestion before he composes himself.

Taehyung thought this was the right time to ask his mate about what he really thinks of him as his mate and why he doesn't want to accept him because it's a saying that-

A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts

"A kiss? Are you sure you want a kiss from me? I thought you're not ready to accept me as your mate," taehyung questioned.

Jungkook's smile drops and a frown pulled up on his beautiful face as thinks hard about his mate's question.

"It...it's not that, that I don't want you as my mate I...I just don't like vampires" jungkook mumbles looking down at his hands in his lap as he starts fiddling with them.

"Is there's a specific reason that makes you hate vampires so much?" taehyung asks carefully.

Jungkook nods his head and continues to play with his hands not wanting to look up at his mate in the eyes.

"What is it baby, can you tell me" taehyung placed his plam under his mate's chin to make him look up at him, "please" taehyung plead when jungkook didn't open his mouth to reply.

"They killed my parents and betrayed our Alpha, our alpha also had a vampire mate but she betrayed him and married someone else and the husband of the woman wanted to kill our alpha so they declared war against us but when that woman's husband realized that he couldn't beat our alpha since he was much more powerful then he was, that man decided to kill our alpha's family and friends, my parents included he killed half of our pack" jungkook let all out in one breath before looking away from taehyung.

To say taehyung was shocked after hearing that would be an understatement, taehyung felt guilty for making jungkook answer something so dreadful, taehyung now understand how hard it must have been for his jungkook to accept him when he found out that his mate is a part of a species his parents was killed by.

"I'm sorry darling" taehyung whispers in remorse, pulling jungkook in a tight hug.

"Can we not talk about it anymore, now that you know the truth" jungkook mumbles against his mate's neck.

"Sure baby, once again I'm really sorry" taehyung mumble in his mate's hair before kissing it softly.

"If you really feel, sorry then give me a kiss" jungkook puckers his lips making smooching noises up at his mate.

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