11: Tada... Happy Got7 Freedoms Day 💖

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Note: Since today is my sister birthday and also got7 freedom day I will update 😉


The young boy look at his parents with a dull eyes. Even though he was so young to understand he know that his parents sold him. No matter how many times he thinks as hard as he can, he still knew that he will go there.

His parents left him just like that. He didn't bother to ask why and don't leave him. He know. He know his parents didn't need him. To them he was useless. Why would they adopt him in the first place? It just 1 month he become the couple child. It seems like they used him for money. That was not so shocking. He understands.

He look at the building in front of him. To see how big it was he know he wasn't the only one there. He took a deep breath and walked in.

He saw so many kids around his age. Some was wearing white uniform and some was wearing gray uniform. He know what it was. Weird right? Well the young boy learn biology, science, history and any other related with some lab rats.

Why he learn that? Just because he want to impress his biological mother and father. To see them smile towards him. Having his mother by his side, telling him about alien. Father by his side teach him how to draw. But all of that were changed to memories. His happy life crashed after his parents met with an accident. He still remember the pain.

And after that he stayed at an orphanage. But no one talk to him. Even the one who in charge of the kids also didn't know him. But just one person know him and he always call them Mother.

But after that someone took him as a child. Heck! Child? More like a slave. He need to do all housework. More than that he goes to school but what happened? Of course everyone bullied him. Even the girls too. He can stand up by himself but he don't know how. So he let it be.

Now there he is. At the place which is going to change him. Or probably kill him? He stayed there for many years. Never once failed the test. He know what the test will be. He know all the answers. He can predict which question will be in the test. But he became more curious, what will happen if he failed? So he decided try as hard as he can to failed twice. And he did it.

He didn't even once regretted his decision. More than that. He happy with it. Finally he can die. But another part of him said that he didn't want to die. He hate it. He regretted it. He want to stop. But from the outside he look satisfied.

One year just past by. So many kids failed. He didn't care. He just want all of it to end.

Another year passing by. He heard that a group of kids want to escape. He just wish them luck.

Surprisingly, they successfully escape. If he didn't help them silently by fixing the bomb that suddenly switch off by itself. Maybe they didn't get to escape.

But the plan become a half chance of survive. Either you will survive or not. He decided to run away from that place. But he still remember the other roommate and only hope that they still alive.

He found himself in a forest. He decided to walk straight. He know he have no chance of surviving. But he want to try his luck. And it seems that he is lucky. Someone found him.

And that person was... Dong Sincheng and Qian Kun.

That's how Renjun end up working together with NCT.


There are two children playing happily. With they parents watching them for far. Suddenly there are group of guy suddenly trying to kidnapped them. The married couple manage to reach the younger twin but older get took away. The younger shout as hard as he can to save him. But witnessing something horrifying. Those guys killed their father.

FINDING BLOODLINE [Book 2] ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt