30: Mother or Father?

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Note: I will be starting to update the chapter twice a week. I have been working on the new book and I already finished the plot. The only thing left is to finish it... But the question is am I going to publish it? Anyway enjoy the chapter!


"What the hell my father is doing here?" Taeyong said after he make an eye contact with his own father.

"Am... Long time no see?" Mr.Lee said awkwardly.

Taeil slap his own forehead. There are so many sentence he can use to actually say a proper hello to Taeyong and that was what he said? Knowing Taeyong he will answer the same thing.

"Erm... Long time no see too?" Taeyong said awkwardly.

The rest of the people behind him immediately push them to get inside.

"If we didn't want to get killed by the bunch of maniac memory lose, we better get inside now." Jimin said.

They immediately get inside. The room quite big so it wasn't that crowded.

"Now answer my question why he is here? What happened to both of them?" Taeyong asked as he look at his father and after he look at both Winwin and Shotaro who still unconscious.

"Well your father kidnapped us and after that Taeil hyung and the rest get inside when Kun hyung and your father here have some interesting argument. Oh about Winwin hyung and Shotaro they passed out after they get attack. They will wake up soon." Yangyang said.

After Taeyong get the answer he want. He changed his attention towards his father.

"Now, what in the world are you trying to do this time? You already kill my younger sister and now you are trying to make a whole crazy army?!" Taeyong said as he get serious and grabbed his father collar.

"Wait Taeyong. Please let me explain. This is a misunderstanding!" Mr.Lee said.

"Misunderstanding? What are you talking about?! Three of my teammates get kidnapped by you and my other teammates probably get kidnapped by you two years ago!! What are you going to do to them?!!" Taeyong yelled and put the gun towards his father head.


As the situation getting more dangerous, Taeil step in. He pulled Taeyong away and make him let go his grip on Mr.Lee and Mr.Lee fall down.

"What are you doing Taeil?!" Taeyong said angrily.

"Trust me Taeyong if you kill you father now it will make our job harder. You promised to Min Ik that you will search the real killer who's kill her brother right? So calm down because there are something you and even I don't know. Now sit down and let your father explain." Taeil said.

Taeyong calm down and obeyed to what Taeil told him to do. All of them sit down and some of them stand up.

"Taeyong please don't kill me if you hear this ok? The one who started all of this is... Your mother." Mr.Lee said as he drop the bomb.

Taeyong eyes widened. How his kind and lovely mother is the one behind all of it? So that's mean what JR said actually true?

"Now wait a minute! You are telling me mom is behind all of this and you are expecting me to believe you?!" Taeyong yelled even though he actually trust it a little. JR give the same answer as his father. Or there are a possibility that his father married someone else. But who is the world want to be his father bride when he didn't have any attention to get married again?

"I know you will not believe me! But that's the truth!! Your mother have been playing innocent for many years!! You probably think that I am the ONE who destroyed your life!! But to me the one who destroyed my life is your mother and your grandfather!!" Mr.Lee said.

FINDING BLOODLINE [Book 2] ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang