First Day of School (part 4)

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Sorry if it's running really long guys, but a lot of interesting things happen during Frostbite's first day!
Also, sorry about Pearl. When I named her, I thought her name was original, but a few days later I read "Melting a Frozen Heart" and discovered that the espeon there was also named Pearl.

(Frostbite's POV)


        Yes, thank you, human-who-is-reading-this, thanks for your sympathy. It totally doesn't hurt at all. I only screamed for fun.

But owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww it hurts. Really really really bad.

        Which made Midnight's actions so.... jarring. I was not guarded. So don't blame me for acting the way I did.

        So there I was, laying in the floor. I was wondering if I was dead, because the pain was starting to grow numb. Then I realized the yes, I was alive, but I was growing unconscious.

        I tried to fight it, but I couldn't do so without shifting my weight and piercing my back again. That's where Midnight comes in.

        He used his tail to sweep aside the glass fragments, not even caring about the pain. Then he-um... he carried me to a corner of the gym, after placing the sheet of ice somewhere else. I wanted to slap him. No one picks me up.

       I think I tried to slap him. Then I slipped off Midnight and tripped him. So when students came in to play a round of ball, they saw me on the floor with Midnight on top of me. I felt my face grow hot.

       Talk about embarrassing. Having a random boy on top of you, with audience. So now it's my turn. Ever so gently, I curled my tail around his. Then yanked it. Hard.

       Midnight jumped, then rolled so he wasn't on top of me anymore. I spotted Hydro in the crowd, mouthing, why are you bleeding? I nodded towards the window.

      Hydro walked up next to me and picked me up. I hissed, but let him. He carried me out of the gym. And that was the last thing I remembered before I blacked out.

Midnight's POV

         "Look, can you say it's my fault? I was just touring her!"

         The leafeon gave me a piercing glare. "As my duty as the headmaster, I need to have you suspended for at least a few days, whether it's your fault or not. Our new student, Frostbite, was just following you, was she not? I don't know how the window broke, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't her fault. And why were you were on top of her?"

         I opened my mouth, trying to talk, but words failing. First of all, I was following that glaceon! She kicked the soccer ball and made the window break! And-

         I felt my face growing hot. I didn't put her onto the floor, I wasn't on top of her! And stop blushing, Midnight! I scowled mentally.

An hour later

        "That ended totally well," smirked Dusk. I was trying very hard to not look at him, and not hit him. This was not the time.

        I was standing outside the school, waiting for a particular glaceon to come out so I could confront her.

        Well, there she is. I thought. Frostbite and this vapreon were walking out of the school, and by the looks of it, they were arguing. A strange kind of happiness spread through me. What am I feeling?

       Looking up, Frostbite spotted me and hurried over, her hoodie hiding her bandages. She stood in front of us, nervously swishing her tail. She opened her mouth. Then-


       A certain espeon stood over Frostbite, who was had been pushed by her. Pearl turned away from her, then smiled at me. "Where are you going, Midnight?

      "Just home," I said vaguely. I was watching Frostbite. The vapreon nuzzled her, and murmured, "we need to get home. You can tell him later." She rolled her eyes but leaned against him to keep her balance as she stood up. I felt a pang of jealousy. Wait, where did that come from?

        Frostbite looked at me and smiled. "I'll see you later, Midnight. Me and this annoying vapreon need to get home." The vapreon started to protest, then sighed and ran ahead. Frostbite followed, smirking. Pearl looked after her in disgust.

       At home, I wonder if I should go play with my sister. Her name is Star, by the way. She's been a bit sad and quiet lately...

36 minutes later

Ok. Finally convinced the stupid little evee to come out. Ugh.

Star's room- well, it's not a room. I mean, she has a room, but the only thing that she actually touch and uses is a little dog (Pokémon)house. It's tiny. Really tiny. I wonder why she prefers it to her room?

Anyway, I convinced her to go to the park. She was reluctant at first, but then decided that going to the park wasn't the worst thing ever.

        My sister is a little brown evee. We named her Star because normally in a family, every Pokémon is the same type (mine is umbreon). She has big, yellow eyes, just perfect to be cute and not weird.

        Once at the park, Star ran off and left me. What a great sister, right? I sat down and watched the little evees play.

        In case you were wondering, this little town is evee-only. Of course, some eveelutions live elsewhere. In this world, there is only one village for each type of Pokémon, if you get what I mean. Every type of Pokémon has a city where it's only (whatever type Pokémon ) and it's evolutions that can live there. There are a few cities that allow all sorts of Pokémon types to live there, but only the strongest Pokémon live there, because the others fear getting beaten up.

Looking across the park, I saw (gasp) Frostbite. I mean, no, I'm not kidding. She was standing in front of an evee and hissing at some other eveelutions. The eveelutions seemed like they just evolved, because they were tinier than usual. The flareon, vapreon, and sylveon all rolled their eyes and started attacking the glaceon.

Frostbite raised her head and roared. A wave of air rippled away from her, and the other eveelutions ran off, scared. Only then did I see that the little evee behind her. It was Star.

Of course my sister happened to get cornered by others. Of course Frostbite was here. I started to sprint towards them.

         Out of nowhere, a blur of pink collided into me.

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