First Day of School (part 3)

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(Frostbite's POV)

This son of a.... this flareon! Argh! Who does he think he is?!

After class, I was planning to head to lunch and get revenge on my brother. But this flareon just popped out of nowhere and "asked" me to be his girlfriend (more like, be my girlfriend or I will torture you). I mean, first day of an actual school, instead of homeschool, and I get this?

Before you say, "Awww, a flareon! They're so cuteeeee!" And piss me off some more, this one was not.... cute. I guess he either was bigger than most or all flareons are like this, because I never seen a flareon and Hydro only said they are about as tall as an evee.

I shook my head, hissing. The flareon just smiled and put a ring of fire around me. I didn't like it. Not at all. Nothing feels worse than a roaring fire all around you, not to mention a ton of students. Watching me. Not helping me. Watching an ice type get cornered by a fire type.

I remembered how Hydro never seemed bothered by fire types. Oh, that's right, I thought. He's a water type... but whatever, right? If my annoying brother can do it, so can I.

Eveelution School has a strict policy; no fighting inside the building, unless you are in gym. But screw that. I'm going to show this flareon who's boss.

3 mins later

Panting, I desperately used Blizzard once again. Then-

Look, I can't explain what I did. It's like..... something snapped inside of me and I just attacked randomly. I don't even know what attack I did. All I know is that it was powerful enough to knock the flareon unconscious.

(Hydro's POV)


That's all I feel like saying.

What. The. Actual. Hell?!

So, I was finishing up an assignment, so I didn't go to lunch right after the bell, right? Then I walk in, poof, my sis is standing over a fire type. An unconscious fire type.

I wanted to walk up to her and ask her what the heck just happened, but that umbreon.... hm, what was his name....? Midnight. Right. He walked up to her and said something to her. She rolled her eyes but smiled.

Oooooo,I thought. He was one of the only boys I would allow her to be with. As long as.... as long as he's nice to her, I guess I can tolerate it. As long as it isn't like last time....

A few terrifying images flashed through my head, but I pushed them away. Later. Tomorrow. Next month. No! I won't see them again, ever!

(Midnight's POV)

       "I'm supposed to be your tour guide, but.... you have to promise not to beat me up, ok?"

   Frostbite rolled her eyes and smiled. "I can't promise that."

She wandered around with me following, answering her questions of where she was. At one point she walked into the gym, and nudged a soccer ball until it was in between her paws. Then she kicked it.

Holy crap. Well, I thought. At least it isn't my fault she broke the window...

Frostbite stared at the window in shock. Then she touched her crystal on her head. A sheet of ice slowly formed underneath her.

She pulled the sheet of ice with her mouth, dragging it slowly towards the window, picking her way through the broken glass on the floor. When she reached it, she stood on her hind legs and tried to pull the sheet of ice onto the window. Failed. Then she dragged a stool over.

"Are you sure you don't want-" I began. She shook her head, but that movement moved the sheet of ice in a hard to hold position. It slipped between her paws. She desperately slid underneath it to stop it from shattering, but apparently forgetting the shattered glass on the floor. She screamed out in pain.

         Her scream.... is something I would like to never hear again. It was a piercing scream, not a fake one, but one full of pain. So don't blame me for what happened next.

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