What In Tarnation?!

Start from the beginning

"Kim, this is my brother Austin, Austin meet Kim, Marshall's ex-wife"

"It's a pleasure" Austin said, picking up Kim's hand from her side and kissing it.

The girls all swooned.

Marshall kissed his teeth.

"Ok that's enough, you leaving or stayin'?"

"So soon? That's no way to treat your guests Marshall, especially the good-looking ones"

Marshall snorted as Kim smirked.

"You may have the ability to punch me through the wall Austin, but this is my fuckin house, i'd appreciate it if you didn't ogle my ex in front of me at least"

"Austin Ray, do you want me to send you packing back to momma?" I said, not wanting Marshall too worked up "Stop playing with him, he's already got a bur in his saddle"

"Fine... Quit yer belly achin'" Austin sighed, leaving the room muttering "As boring as winter days are long my sister"

"I like him"

"Well keep your panties on, do the crotch frothing on your own time" Marshall grunted towards Kim, reaching for his daughters and niece, hugging them.

"That's gross" Hailie whined "Ewww"

"My bad, sorry" Marshall said, realization hitting him "I'll see you when I get back from LA"

"Will Austin still be here?"

Marshall's eyes were about to roll out of his head.

"No he won't baby, but you'll survive"

The girls both groaned in unison.

Marshall shook his head picking up their bags and passing it to them and walking everyone to the front door.

"Bye girls" I shouted after them, a reply echoing through the house.


"I don't know how it happened, I just walked up and there was water everywhere" Marshall groaned "I'm gonna have to call a plumber, just what I fucking need"

"Please, it's just a leak, I'm sure we could fix it" Austin said kneeling down in front of the pipes "You got any tools?"

"Some, they're in the garage, I'll go get what I have"

Marshall leaving then coming back 20 minutes later carrying a bag of tools, Auston started to rummage through them.

"You surprise me rap star, you got what I need"

"Well I do know how to fix shit, I just don't always have time to do it, I use to have normal jobs remember?"

"Calm down, it was only an observation cowboy"

"Ignore him, he didn't mean it like that" I said as I squeezed his shoulder, his gaze dropping to me and expression softening.

"Sorry, it's just that I'm flying out and I didn't need shit in my house to start breaking"

" It's ok, I understand" I reached down handing Austin the tools and items he needed.

"You know how to do this stuff too?" Marshall said, watching us.

"It's something I enjoy, when I wasn't touring and completing album deadlines I was working my Ranch, sometimes with Austin's help" I said looking back and smiling at him.

"You really love that ranch huh? It was pretty incredible, I don't blame you" Marshall said taking a seat on the bath edge.

"In all honestly, If I wasn't pushed into what my mother wanted me to do as a career, I would happily just be living on my ranch, raising horses and chickens, if people go sick of my music I would just focus on my ranch" I said turning to Marshall as he nodded "I mean I love music, it is the love of my life sure, but I also love the solidarity of my home, there was a reason I had bought such a big property so far away from everyone and everything"

"I hear that, you've got a backup plan, mines comics-"

"And that should do it" Austin announced standing up and turning the tap on while I checked for the leaks.

"She's leakproof" I said standing up, wiping my hands on my jean shorts.

"Thanks, I appreciate it" Marshall said dapping Austin who grinned as left the room.

Marshall's gaze fell on me again, standing in front of me, his intense stare making the good bumps spread across my body.

"I've been an asshole today"

"Austin was pressing your buttons, it's okay really"

"No it's not, it's not an excuse to flip my lid, that's not who I am anymore, well at home anyways"

I just smiled at him "Ok, apology accepted"

"And I learnt something else about you"

"What's that?"

"That you're more down to earth then I thought, after all these years growing up wealthy and then being famous, you still don't have a diva bone in your body unlike these other bitches in the industry"

I chuckled at his placement of obscenities.

"you know what I mean" He said, lopsided smirk as he caught on.

"I appreciate that, I try my best to keep grounded, I have a diva for a mother and wouldn't in a million years, want to be like her"

Marshall stepped forward, his warm breath on my face as he leaned in and kissed me, slowly and deeply, igniting a flame in my body.

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