What In Tarnation?!

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I stood in the doorway with my hands in my hips, watching as Marshall, Denaun, Royce and Austin sat yelling at the football game on screen.

The room was so thick with testosterone I was sure I was about to grow a beard.

I sighed and headed to the pool, getting comfortable on a hammock and started to write.

Creativity had been flowing freely lately and I had so many songs I didn't know what to do with myself.

I wanted to credit myself for doing something highly therapeutic like talking to a therapist or taking up a hobby.

But it wasn't.

Well, it was a hobby of sorts I guess.

And I had to credit Marshall at least, because technically it was his idea.

It was as simple as Bending her over a barrel and showing her the fifty states.

In English?


And lots of it.

Who knew it could be the ultimate key to lifting the writer's block.

I had been selling off the songs that I didn't think the label would approve, or the ones that didn't seem country.

I felt free as a bird, it was strange, my usual tightly wound nerves and we're no longer, my urge to turn to drinking again not a frequent, still there but I find I'm not thinking about waking up in my own puddle of vomit as much.

Again it wasn't credited to me.

I was in another state to my tyrant mother, in a house with a man that lives by his own rules.

Almost like a kindred spirit.

I guess what better AA therapy then living with another recovering addict.

And banging so hard you forget your name and your legs shake.

I'm sure my therapist would be appalled if she found out I had swapped vices.

I'm interrupted by the back door opening and Kim waving at me.

I nod and get up making my way back inside the house.

"Hey" Kim smiled, looking behind her then back at me "So, who's that southern god sitting in the lounge room?"

I chuckled.

"That's my twin brother Austin"

"Isn't he beautiful mom?" Hailie said, gooey-eyed.

Marshall walked into the kitchen at that moment.

"Whos beautiful?"

"Just admiring the view, you didn't tell me Harley had a brother"

Marshall rolled his eyes.

"He was asked to model for Calvin Klein" Alaina sighed, chin in hand, daydreaming from the island bench.

Cue another Marshall eye roll "How about y'all just go up and pack your bags ready to go or something?"

"But they are and mon just got her-"

"Howdy Ladies, Marshall, sure know how to surround yourself with beautiful women"

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