Sad Birds Still Sing

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As we walked into the foyer of my parent's estate being greeted by the butler Mike and housekeeper Peggy.

Marshall frowned "I didn't realize you were, like old money rich"

I nodded handing my coat to Mike and then he started ushering us into the sitting room to take a seat to wait for my parents and offering us drinks of sweet ice tea.

"Yeah my family own one of the biggest finance firms in the county, it's been in our family for generations"

He tilted his head and looked at me thoughtfully "You know, if I didn't know all this about you I wouldn't place you here"

"Sometimes when I was younger I use to sit in my closet in the dark and imagine my life was different" I said quietly, in almost a whisper "it was selfish I know"

Marshall's eyebrows knit together and he was about to say something when suddenly we were interrupted by Austin's booming voice.

"My two favorite people" He bellow, I'm sure was echoing through the entire estate.

My brother was always loud and full of personality, which to my parent's disappointment didn't work in their favor, Austin never wanted to be apart of the family business, they had spent year's trying to persuade him.

He was what I called a free spirit.

"Are they even here?" Austin said sitting on the sofa and kicking up his cowboy boots on the coffee table.

"Austin Ray Aldrige, were you born in a barn?" My mother's shrill voice came from behind us as she entered the sitting room.

"Might as well have been... Momma, good to see you" Austin said standing and hugging my mother.

Marshall and I standing.

"That's news to me, since both my only children seem to make it their mission to avoid me" My mother quipped "You're always ignorin' my calls, and Shes high tailed to that failed city"

"Austin, Harleen, it good to see you both" My father's voice said, as he entered the room.

"Daddy," I said as Austin shook his hand "This is My boyfriend, Marshall Mathers"

"Marshall, it's nice to meet you" My father said firmly shaking Marshall's hand.

"If you will now please, join us in the dining room" My mother said "Dinner is served"

We follow parents into the large dining room, each taking a seat on the plush chairs around the large polished marble table.

Marshall looking at the many types of cutlery and glasses laid out in front of him.

"There's so many..." He whispered still staring at them.

"Wine dear?"

"Momma, you know she's a recovering alcoholic..." Austin said, gruff tone to his voice, as if he was tired of reminding her "Marshall too"

"Oh right, silly me, you're still on that phaze"

I glance up just in time to see Marshall and Austin systematically roll their eyes the same time.

"So Austin, are you still seeing that pretty Belle? What was she, the exotic dancer?"

"She is a burlesque dancer momma, not a stripper, big difference, regardless, still a respected career and no, it didn't work out"

"She strips for a living, all the same in the lords eyes dear"

Austin snorted and rolled his eyes again.

The food began coming out, my mother always had flair for the finer things, for tonight's three-course meal, Chef Antone had prepared French cuisine.

"Coq au vin" My mother proudly announced raising her glass of Pinot Grigio as the wait staff placed the dishes down in front of me, Marshall almost choking on the remainder of his entree.

"Cock what?" Marshall said quietly with a snicker and looked at the plate in front of him confused, eyebrows furrowed, I knew he was just trying to figure out the ingredients.

"Its chicken, mushrooms, and garlic" I whispered, leaning into him.

He let out a sigh of relief, and started eating.

Dinner was uneventful, my mother always behaved around my father, aside from the snide comments every now and then dinner was tolerable.


We walked quietly side by side through the garden of my parent's estate, nothing but the full moon and garden solar lights illuminating our path.

I had suggested we have a tour before we left, so that the rich decadent dishes could settle in our stomachs.

"So" Marshall said, casually strolling next to me, hands in his pockets "When you said earlier that you were selfish, what did you mean?"

"Well," I said, stopping as we took a seat on the bench that was located across from the large fountain, the water glistening in the moonlight, the sound of the trickling was both tranquil and calming.

"I would hide in the dark and pretend to be somebody else, anybody else, some days I woke up wishing that I didn't, all the money in the world and I was ungrateful because I didn't want it"

"I feel you, I felt the same growing up, obviously very different since I was poor, but I definitely don't think you're selfish, being rich doesn't mean you're happy, and it certainly can't make you happy, I learned that when I started making the millions"

"You're the first person that hasn't given me the poor little rich girl lecture"

"I'm not here to judge you Harley, I'm not like that, you and I, we share plenty of traumas and struggles, I don't know what it is, but the more we get to know each other, it's like we have a deep understanding and connection"

I nodded quietly.

"I must admit, this week seeing your family and where you grew up, I never expected you to be such a grounded person"

"We had nannies practically raise us, my mother only had an interest when she was showing us off"

"That's actually pretty sad" Marshall said, hand finding mine, giving it a light squeeze "Man fuck you mom, she has a beautiful highly intelligent and talented daughter and she's missing out"

"Thanks Marshall, I appreciate that" I said smiling at him, looking up in his eyes, just-in-time to see them glisten in the moonlight, as if the glow was enhancing the blue in his eyes.

It was the first time I had been revealing the dark secrets of my life with someone other than Austin, with Marshall, it felt right, I felt safe and it was like he understood me.

Suddenly Marshall leaned in slowly, lips softly connecting with mine, it was slow, sensual and filled my entire body with warmth.

The problem wasn't that he was kissing me.

It was that I was beginning to enjoy it far too much.

We Made You || An Eminem FanFictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora