Listen & Observe

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I stood next to Marshall as he laughed talking to one of his friends, red bull in hand.

Denaun I think his name was.

We were at a club celebrating Marshall's friend's birthday, I had the urge to drink but I had managed to shove it down.

These places always triggered memories.

I looked around the club, my mother was seething at me and it felt good to ignore her.

She had been calling me for two weeks straight, basically, since the news got out about Marshall and I, poor Audrey was dealing with the brunt of things.

Some of the voice mails my mother had left bought on anxiety and traumatic flashbacks, so much so that I told Audrey that I wanted another phone to use.

I wasn't ready to deal with the full brunt of Annalise Aldridge just yet.

She was going to tear me down, a trio by a trio until I was nothing, I had to mentally prepare for making excuses for why I couldn't get out of bed, it might be a bit difficult now that I live with someone.

I watched as a tray of drinks went by, I almost wanted to chase after the bottle girl and chug that bottle of champagne, when suddenly I felt an arm around my waist and being pulled into the warm body of Marshall.

"Isn't that right babe?" Marshall said, who was suddenly looking down at me.


"I telling Nauny here about how we met"

"Oh yeah, who would have thought"

"I still can't believe you've kept this from us this whole time!" Denaun said in a huff "I get you're secretive these days Marshall, but I mean, I'm your best friend"

"Yeah I know but I had to respect Harley's privacy until she was ready"

"But a year?... Man we knew you were up to something but we didn't expect you to.cuff a country music star" Denaun said eyeing me "This is a weird match"

I smiled him my dazzling fake smile "Stranger things have happened I'm sure"

"That accent though..." Denaun said giving me a friendly smile "I think even I have a soft spot for that"

"Aint it hot?" Marshall Smirked "But if I hear you say that again, I'll kick your ass"

Denaun laughed and held his arms up.

"Well it's nice to finally meet you" Denaun smiled "I'll catch up with you guys in a bit, I see a pretty woman unattended at the bar"

Marshall waved him off as he took off in the direction of the bar.

"Do you need to go home?"

"What? Why?"

"Maybe because you're starting at the trays of drinks going past like it's water in the middle of the desert," he said looking at me with a raised eyebrow "You ain't gonna on me are you?"

"Yeah I'm ok, don't worry"

He snorted and handed me a Red Bull.

"What's this?" I said stating down at the blue and silver can.

"Its an energy drink, it will help you when you're in public, give you energy, it's not a that pleasing feeling of alcohol but it will get you buzzed"

I took a sip, it was sickly sweet but it wasn't bad at all, I guess I was going to have to trust that it would help.

I watched Marshall as a scowl crossed his face and he stiffened, I looked in the direction that he was looking at only to see a group of woman, all equally as beautiful as the other, all looking over, one with a matching scowl and a wicked smirk, but directed at me.

She started to make her way over, a gaggle of clones in tow.

I felt Marshall spin me around, crashing his lips to mine, his tongue entering my mouth, he kissed me as if his life depended on it.

Breaking apart, I was dazed and confused, Marshall held me steady as I got my equilibrium back and remembered where I was.

"Sorry, I had to scatter the rodents" Marshall mumbled looking at me, had to make it realistic you know" He said, subtly gazing in the direction of where the women were.

I turned to see if I could look, only to capture them storming off in the other direction.

"Rodent problem eradicated" Marshall smirked leaning back.

"Do I sense a scorned ex-lover?" I said giving a small smile.

"Something like that, she was something along the lines of a big old slut"

"That clearly broke your heart" I said sitting in the booth.

"Please" Marshall sneered "Only thing that bitch broke was my bank account" sitting down in the booth next to me, lazily placing his arm across the back of chair behind me.

I laughed, I know all about it "I hear that... everyone expects a handout..."

"Do I sense hostility coming through that sweet as pie act?" He smirked.

"I have no idea what you're talking about"

"Annnnd the door slams in my face again"

I took another gulp of red bull, ignoring his comment, looking around the club.

"She's full of traumatic secrets, like a cursed pandora box"

I turned to look at him, blue eyes staring at me.

"Why do you want to know everything so bad?"

"Well it's gonna be a long 12 months living together, may as well at least get to know each other, plus I'm nosey as fuck, and I can smell trauma a mile away"

"So you get off on knowing other people's trauma?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well it's not my most favorite kink but..."

"How are you so cocksure of yourself all the time?"

"When you realize the only opinion that matters is your own, you tend to have a clearer conscience," he said with a shrug.

"It's easier said than done" I said trying not to sound overly effected, playing with the can on the table "My whole career is built on other people's opinions..."

"Man how the hell someone so hot so dark all the time?"

"I'm a country music singer, the brooding is a given"

Marshall laughed and continued to drink from his can of Red Bull.

There was an air about him.

He had this balance of chaotic and calming energy, it seemed impossible, but it wasn't.

It was like watching horses in a paddock, as beautiful as they are dangerous, the smallest thing can set them off and cause them to be chaotic.

I really missed my home and my horses back in Nashville.

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