Say What Now?

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After spending most of the day recording some songs at Dre's Studio, I had some free time, So I thought I'd get a bit of shopping done, after all, I didn't get to come to L.A much.

Marshall insisted on joining me, which was a nice because I didn't like shopping alone, and he was great company, he also wanted to get some gifts for the girls, so it worked out well for everyone.

I browsed through the jewellery cabinets, Marshall following behind me pointing out pieces, making a running commentary of jokes on the kind of woman who wore said pieces, making up voices as he went.

He was a funny man, there was no denying it, it was my favourite quality about him.

He was unapologetically himself, even if sometimes he was a tad bit on the eccentric side.

"Do you think this is OK for a teenage girl?" He said suddenly, pointing at a simple but stylish pendant.

"I think so" I replied, giving the pendant a once over "I think it would suit Hailie"

"Ya really think so?"

I nodded, then moved along the display while he called the attendant over, ready to purchase.

I walked around and bought a few things, small understated pieces mainly, looking up I saw Marshall waiting at the door for me with his security.

Upon exiting the store it seemed that the paparazzi had finally caught up to us, security flocking around us, Marshall grabbing my hand as we were ushered to the car doors as they were yelling out names for attention to look at the cameras.

"You all good?" Marshall asked as we sat in the seats and had begun to start driving.

"I am, it's annoying, but I knew they would find us eventually"

"It's a shame too, I was enjoying acting normal" Marshall said, a weird defeated tone attached to his voice as he turned and stared out the window.

I watched him for a short moment, I wasn't sure if I was reading him wrong but it appeared as if the life was suddenly sucked out of him, I was confused because less then 30 minutes ago he was cracking jokes and making funny sounds, and then suddenly, he was switched off again, stare cold, silent and his body slumped against the door of the car.

We sat in silence for the short drive back to the apartment.

I couldn't help but think about it, as I looked out the window, LA flying past, that as lucky as we were to have fame, that same fame took so much from us.

 We were lucky enough to be unbothered in Nashville and Detroit, but it seemed the big cities were filled with the type of people who had an almost unhealthy obsession with celebrities, even if it meant they made a small fortune, they weren't ashamed to come to bother you while you're trying to enjoy a dinner with your family or friends.

I look back at Marshall who seemed to be in a daze, quietly uttering words to himself.

Some of which were his daughter's names.

I knew what he was doing.

I did it every night, sometimes more than once.

It was the first time I had seen him appear to be vulnerable.

He was reminding himself why he needed to stay sober.

I placed my hand over his hand that was resting on the car seat beside him, he jumped, looking at me, blue eyes meeting mine.

And there it was staring right back at me, the part of him that he usually masked so well.

The misery that consumed his entire soul.


I sat next to Audry at the board room table with Paul and Marshall.

We had been called to an emergency meeting by our label heads Steve and Mark, due to some pictures that had been taken by paparazzi and they have started rumours circulating.

"I didn't even think they would jump to that conclusion" I said, as usual feeling bad about the whole situation as it had been my idea to go into the jewellery store.

"This is stupid, can't we just release a statement for something?" Marshall groaned "I have a deadline you want me to meet"

"Actually" Steve said clearing his throat "We both agreed that it's been a positive reception"

"We would like to add it to the contract, announce that you're engaged" Marks's voice came through the phone's speaker "It's actually perfect! Then, when we decide to announce the break-up, it will be even more of a bombshell, the amount of attention we will gain, the sales, I think it's a great proposal"

"Say fuckin' what now?..." Marshall said in confusion "You're not seriously doing this right? And if I say no?"

"Marshall, we doubt you're in the position to say no right now... " Steve said, I'm concerned.

"No way, I ain't even pretending that shit, what the fuck? I ain't out here wanting to look like no fucking hypocrite? didn't you fuckin' hear me the last time? This is some bullish-"

"Marshall, please calm down"

"Fuck no" he said, standing up, swiping a stack of papers off the table "Who the fuck do you think you are? Do you have any idea how much this affecting my daughters? I had to introduce a fake girlfriend and now tell them I'm marrying her, like she's going to be apart of their life forever? They've gotten to know her, they're gonna be heartbroken when this ends, This is fucking bullshit, you're taking the piss now"

"It's just for the same amount of time" Paul sighed "Don't make this harder then it is"

"Harley?" Mark said through the speaker again, Audrey looking at me, apologetic eyes "Are you on board?"

"Well I do agree with Marshall, I think it's a bit too much, the girls will be affected, and a lot of other people are going to be confused an-"

"I'm sure the girls will get over it, they're children" Mark said "We'll even let you choose the rings, sounds like a fair trade to me"

"Then it's settled!" Steve said, pushing the contracts to both of us "Well announce in a few days, for the sake of your careers right?"

"Fuck you" Marshall snarled, signing the contract, throwing it at Paul, then kicked his chair across the room, storming out, cursing out the executives on the way.

I looked down at the addenda page of the contract and sighed as I signed my name on the line.

This just got a whole lot messier, and I'm not sure I was built to deal with it.

I totally understand Marshall's outburst, he was a father first, and I knew the very thought of his daughters being heartbroken was destroying him.

And it broke my own heart knowing I was about to take part in that.

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