Grinnin' Like A Possum Eatin' A Sweet Tater

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I stood awkwardly as Marshall opened the front door, revealing my twin brother standing there in all his southern glory.

I had been in the home studio recording something when Marshall came down and announced that my brother was at the gates.

We panicked and shoved all my stuff quickly into his bedroom before we went to the front door before he arrived.

"Austin Ray, What are ya doin' here?" I said in confusion as he stood on the threshold grinning like a boy, with his duffle bag slung over his shoulder "Lord knows you didn't travel to Detroit just sightsee"

"Cant I come to see my baby sister, whom I love and miss?"

"No" I frowned rolling my eyes "

"Ok so momma has officially lost it, I needed to get away, and I thought who better to come to visit then your beautiful self and the amazing Marshall"

Marshall chuckled.

"Don't you try to butter me up, you should have called first, what if we don't want your imposin' ass here" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Oh please, I won't interrupt your love makin', I'll be as quiet as a mouse" He said sticking his head through the opening as he looked around "Be easy in a place this big"

"You're welcome to stay" Marshall said suddenly and I looked at him in shock "What? I can't have your family staying in a hotel, what kind of a host do you think I am?"

"One that doesn't like company?"

Austin moved past me, clapping Marshall on the back as he walked past into the house letting a whistle out as he walked.

"This place is a beauty, reminds me of a lot of Harley's house... Makes a man feel at home" He said dropping his duffle bag on the floor, taking a seat on the couch, putting his feet up on the coffee table.

I kicked them down "You weren't raised in a barn, have some respect"

"She always like this? Detroit's given you a backbone my dear sweet sister, if only momma could see"

Marshall backed out of the room mumbling something about getting a room ready and I stood, hand on my hips, glaring at my twin.

"Now you listen to me" I said pointing at him "You are to behave yourself, I don't want to hear you cussin' Because sometimes Marshalls has his daughters here some days, mind your Ps and Qs and for the love of God, keep your damn clothes on, or ill have you on the first private jet back to momma"

Austin snorted raising his hands "Ill be an angel, I swear on the baby Jesus himself"

I stood glaring at him for the moments Marshall reappeared.

"There's a room upstairs for you man"

Austin stood and lastly stretched as if to annoy me more "Appreciated Marshall" he then picked up his duffle bag and followed Marshall back upstairs.

Once I was left alone I started to quietly panic.

Marshall and I had been in separate rooms up until now, which made the whole sleeping with each other with benefits manageable, but now? With Austin here for the time, Wed is sharing the same room.

My body got hot thinking about being in close vicinity with Marshall for that long.

I heard someone walking behind me, I turn to come face to face with Marshall he had a playful smirk on his lips.

"You could have said no"

He frowned at me "What the fuck Harley Quinn he's your brother, I'm not gonna make him stay at a hotel, plus he'll probably beat me up, have not noticed how big he is?"

"I hope you're ready to put on the biggest show of your life then" I huffed in a frustrated whisper, already agitated that my brother would be popping up this whole time, I loved him but he was so full-on "Acting loved up all the time, sharing a room when we're are-"

"Depends" Marshall whispered, suddenly pulled me into his embrace, face inches from mine "Are you ready?"


"I don't think that's wi-"

"Hogwash" Austin said shoving Marshall into the opening of the bull riding entrance "Get on the steer, think of it as a test"

"Harley Quinn, you gonna stand there while your brother bully's me?"

I shrugged.

"Maybe just a little"

"She's angry you let me impose on your space" Austin chuckled pulling the leaver as a terrified Marshall held on to the mechanical for dear life.

"Man your crazy as shit" Royce announced from next to Denaun, as he watched marshall be flung from the bull.

"He's fine," Austin said, "Are you alive Marshall?"

Still laying on the ground Marshall lifts his hand and makes a peace sign.

I giggle, the whole night had been chaotic as my brother dragged us around Detroit trying out a place to everyone's suggestions.

And then he found a country theme dive bar on the outskirts, and we had been there ever since.

Marshall managed to drag himself back over to us, slinging his arm over my shoulder steadying himself.

"How did you even stay on that long, man that shit is difficult"

"Shes a cowgirl stupid, of course, she's good at this shit," Denaun said "She also ain't scared of damn horses like your silly ass"

"He got a point"

"Hey I rode a stupid horse just fine"

"Yet the fought to get a horse just standing there out of his movie" Denaun laughed.

"Man why the fuck would a horse be standing in the middle of fucking Detroit anyway, it was stupid" Marshall huffed snatching his Redbull off me and aggressively drinking it.

"You done gone and upset the man's ego" Austin Chuckled.

"He do with a knock down of a peg or two anyways" Royce snickered.

"Please" Austin snorted turning to Royce, who's smile dropped at Austin's sudden attention "You're so highfalutin' you think your shit tastes like sherbert"

"Model like mother fu-" Royce's shoulders dropped at the laughter that came from Denaun and Marshall.

"Have I told you how much I love your brother Harley?" Denaun wheeze out "Anyone who has the ability to put Marshall Mather's and Ryan Montgomery back on their place, has got my respect"

"Well I'm flattered Denaun"

"Don't encourage him" I said "He enjoys being rude"

"That's why we get along so well" Marshall chuckled bumping fists with my brother.

"Who knows Harley, maybe he'll make an honest woman out of ya and ill have a family member I actually like besides tolerating you and Aunt Jo's nagging"

So help me god, this is going to be a long week.

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