Xiao Zhan has his full attention on Yibo as he explains something about motorcycles to his father, and he is beyond amused at watching him struggle to maintain control over his brain and body. His pupils dilate and eyes widen at intervals, and at some point, Xiao Zhan sees him slightly tremble. Then he starts to stutter over his words, which leads to a lot of repeat requests from his mother, and then eventually, his eyes begin to glaze over.

Xiao Zhan can barely hold on to his laughter, but then he takes it a bit too far. His hands move even downwards to grab Yibo's hardened cock, and at this Yibo explodes.

"Xiao Zhan!" he roars, and the entire table goes silent.

Xiao Zhan is startled, and so are his parents, his mom's hand even going to her chest in fright.

At this, Yibo's face instantly burns a deep crimson red, and he instantly begins to bow in apology, his head nearly slamming into the plates.

Xiao Zhan can't hold himself back any longer.

He laughs out loud as he rises to his feet, while Yibo sends him a murderous glare. His eyes are reddened, and for a second Xiao Zhan believes, filling with tears.

"What happened?" His mother asks. "Yibo, what did Xiao Zhan do?"

"Ma, don't worry about it. It's an inside joke."

He begins to gather the plates, but Yibo doesn't let him go so easily. He quickly excuses himself to come after him and for a few minutes afterwards, Xiao Zhan is subjected to painful bows and slaps on his arm from Yibo. It takes him right back to the set of 'the untamed' when Yibo hitting him became his manner of communication more than anything else. However back then, things were somewhat purely platonic.


They're both so charged with sexual tension, that if they both don't at least do this to let off some steam, Xiao Zhan is sure that one of them is liable to just lose it and take the other, damn the consequences to hell.

And with the way he currently feels towards Yibo, he highly suspects that he is the one closest to the edge so this laughter is good. It is the best release and consolation to his brain for the time being.

Beyond all else though, he is just quite appreciative of the ways things have worked out between himself and Yibo tonight, when they otherwise could have gone very sour. And for this, he cannot help but look at Yibo with a greater sense of awe and staggering fondness. For a boy as young as he is, he truly seems wiser than his years.

The perfect balance of fire and ice, and a whole lot of bone melting warmth in between.

When it comes to him, Yibo somehow knows when to advance and when to retreat. How much to hold back and how much to reveal.

This makes Xiao Zhan feel in this moment, a deep seated possession towards Yibo, and he hopes for Yibo's sake that the boy only possesses this level of understanding towards him and no one else.

They are at the sink now and clearing up, with Yibo washing the dishes while he is rinsing them.

Perhaps it is because of the gloom that has come upon his face at this thought, because just then, Yibo nudges him.

"What is it? Thinking of more ways to torture me in front of your parents? And just so you know, I'll never forgive you for this evening. I'm going to get you back."

Xiao Zhan regards him quietly, his heart swelling with so much emotion for this boy that he can barely take it.

"You understand only me this well right" he asks, and Yibo seems a bit taken aback by the question.

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