47. Navigate

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Xiao Zhan focuses on calming the pace of his heart.

Just this.

He tries his best not to think on anything else but as the moments go by, the cold reality begins to dawn on him that Yibo is once again, gone, and he is alone.

Alone is what he has always known, and to an extent, it has always been acceptable, downright welcome, and most definitely peaceful. But now...

He feels as though a part of him has been replaced with Yibo, and thus at his absence, he cannot help but feel as though something is missing.

Especially after tonight.

To think that he had actually been inside Yibo... had caged him in his arms and had kissed him so thoroughly, over and over again.

Suddenly, he is gasping for air, his oxygen suddenly cut off, so his head shoots up for a speedy and almost desperate inhale of the cool, night breeze.

When he is considerably calmed, he cannot help but to once again sift through his memories of the night.

It still doesn't feel real.

What does begin to feel real however is the chill that is now seeping into his bones, so with a sigh, he summons what is left of his strength and rises to his feet. He heads back into the van, and although it registers to him that there is quite a lot of cleaning up to do, the other urgent matter of reality is his return back to his hosts, as he has now been gone for far too long. So he grabs his phone, locks the vehicle and begins to head back to the apartment.

He is feeling quite cathartic now, and lethargic so he knows that he will be able to fall asleep for the night, however one thing that is beginning to threaten the possibility of this is all of the flashbacks that keep returning to him.

He feels almost haunted by them, so by the time he arrives at the apartment he has to pause for a moment to lean against the wall adjacent to the front door.

His body is heated all over, and his hardness showing no signs whatsoever of dissipating. He is also aware that his body now smells completely of Yibo and of musky, sweaty sex, and since this is not his home, he cannot imagine going in there in such a state.

He decides then to return to the van to pick up a few needed items, but before he can walk away, the door to the apartment is suddenly pushed open.

He is startled, but ready with a smile, however before he can speak he gets his second dosage of surprise for the night.

Nini is standing right before him, and she too also seems startled to see him. "I've been trying to call you," she says. "Why is your phone turned off? I was just about to head out now to search for you."

Xiao Zhan however cannot get over his surprise. "What are you doing here?"

Her expression turns sheepish, so she lowers her gaze.

"I uh..." she glances back into the apartment. "I came to see my cousin. We've been waiting for you so that we can all have dinner."

It suddenly dawns on Xiao Zhan then that dinner had indeed been ready nearly two hours earlier, before he had stepped out to see Yibo.

Remorse immediately fills him. "Oh God."

"Come in," she urges but he is reluctant.

"I need to take a shower first."

"You can just do that after dinner," her brows furrow, but he shakes his head.

"No. I need to do it before I sit at the table with them."

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