22. Solace

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Later that night, and after hours of trying his best to find sleep but failing, he can't help but think of all the people he has offended today, all because he was upset that Wang Yibo had agreed to go on the date.

He doesn't want to lie to himself, so he readily admits that this is exactly what the problem is, and he has taken his devastation out on everyone around him except himself, and the person that agreed to go on the date in the first place.

And what makes it all the more worse, is that he doesn't even know why he is so upset about it.

This cannot mean that he is romantically interested in Yibo!

Again, he has acknowledged his attraction to him, but how can it be to the point that him agreeing to go on a date with someone else had near driven Xiao Zhan mad with jealousy?

His reaction is irrational and immature, but he can't control or ignore it. Because Yibo's ready acceptance of the offer, has hurt him in a way that he could never have imagined. And what makes it worse is that Yibo doesn't even know who the actress is. Xiao Zhan never mentioned her name to him, or sent a picture and yet he had readily accepted the offer. Is he that starved for-

Something suddenly clicks in his brain.

Yibo doesn't know who the actress is. He also has no idea what she looks like, so how could he have so readily accepted the request?

Xiao Zhan dives for his phone, and despite the fact that it is 2 in the morning, he begins to type out a text to Yibo. However, it occurs to him that perhaps Yibo would see this and ignore it, and this is the last thing that he can handle tonight so instead, he pulls up his number and calls him.

The phone soon begins to ring, and as the seconds go by, something warns him that he is crossing several lines once again.

However, he doesn't care. Because there is this ball of frustration in his chest that is preventing him from sleeping or breathing, and he needs to get rid of it.

The phone rings to disconnection, and Xiao Zhan pulls the phone away from his ear.

Yibo did not pick up.

He stares at the phone in his hand, and soon his senses begin to return. What is he thinking?

Calling Yibo in the middle of the night to ask him such a question! Ni Ni was right. How is it his business? None of this should be any of his business.

With a heart wrenching groan, he falls back against the bed, his head sinking into the pillows.

He is staring up at the ceiling in the dark room, the only lights from beyond the balcony, courtesy of the city's passing vehicles and lit skyline.

Suddenly, his phone begins to ring, and his heart nearly stops in his chest.

He is almost afraid to check who the caller is, but before the phone can disconnect he works up the courage to.

It is Wang Yibo.

He takes a deep breath so he can sound as normal as possible, and picks up the call.

At first, there is nothing but silence between them, but then Yibo eventually speaks.

"Xiao Zhan," he calls, his voice, clear and deep.

Xiao Zhan lets out a heavy breath, and for the first time in hours, he feels something akin to relief wash over him.

"En," he replies. He wants to say something else, but his brain isn't even functioning properly at the moment so he needs a few extra seconds.

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