11. Douse

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Xiao Zhan can smile through the rain, but he must have already sent for an umbrella that is on its way.

This is why when he settles in later on to read the script that Yibo recommended, he sends him a message first.

"Your handwriting is terrible.

Then he starts to read.

The story is about a poor, delinquent, early twenty-something year old that steals someone's bag off the train. A woman sees him, and since she is able to identify him reports this to the authorities. It eventually leads to a trail of disastrous events when the boy is found, because it costs him and his family dearly. Because of this he goes on a vendetta against the woman. His plan is to destroy every part of her life, only for him to see it all and realize that she is just as broken and pitiful as he is. He falls in love with her, but then her child dies and she shatters. The script tells the story of how he fixes himself till he becomes strong enough to pick her up. too.

Xiao Zhan becomes so invested in the rawness of the emotions between these two people, that when Yibo's response comes in midway through he is unable to pull away from the story to respond. He does however eventually spare the few seconds needed to take a look at it.

"Who are you? Xie Lian?"

The text is strange and vague, and Xiao Zhan cannot for the life of him decipher what it means and neither does he have the current capacity to. So he continues on with his script and by the time he is done the sun has set.

He looks up from the shut document and is stunned.

The story and its characters have taken a hold of his heart and it is quite an exhilarating feeling. Immediately he calls Nini.

"Did you read the third script?" He asks the moment the call connects. He is pacing to and fro in his living room, quite unable to remain still.

"What third script?" She asks. "What's it called?"

He doesn't remember so he hurries over to snatch it off the recliner for a read of the title.

"One of These Things."

"I haven't," she replies."I just went through a quick summary but now I cannot remember what it was about."

Xiao Zhan inhales deeply as he considers what he is about to do. At his shuddering exhale, he makes up his mind.

"I want the role. I want to be involved. Is it too late?"

She goes quiet and he can understand her. It has been way too long since he has even remotely agreed to take up any projects.

"Um... " she begins, and then an excited laugh bubbles out of her. "Um s-sure. I will.. I will call the casting director. This was sent weeks ago so I doubt that it's still available but I will try my best."

"Alright please do." He says.

Just before he ends the call however she asks again. "You're serious right? You're not going to change your mind?"

"I won't," Xiao Zhan responds. "It's a great story." He thinks of Yibo. "I think I'll enjoy it. I want to be a part of it."

"Alright," she says excitedly and goes off.

Xiao Zhan smiles, and it is only then that he feels the toll of his remaining still and unfed for several hours. So he heads over to the kitchen and begins to warm up the breakfast that Yibo got him earlier that morning. He sits by the counter afterwards and can't help thinking about the boy. So he pulls up his message as he eats and rereads what Yibo sent.

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