10. Prey

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Xiao Zhan has never been in a staring contest before.

But he has always imagined that if he were in one, he would immediately lose because he would be too amused to keep a straight face.

Right now, there is no single trace of amusement to be found.

And yet he loses, because Yibo is staring so deeply into his eyes, that Xiao Zhan feels as though his form is slowly disintegrating into nothing.

He moves, impetuously, and trips all over himself.

For the second time within the span of a minute, Yibo's eyes widen as Xiao Zhan crashes to the floor.

"Shit," he swears under his breath at the brutal impact to his behind, and cannot help but be amazed by just how much falling he is doing around Yibo these days.

Literally and figuratively.

"Ge!" Yibo immediately rises to help him, but Xiao Zhan is quicker.

He almost trips over his feet again but manages to stable himself, a hand held out to keep Yibo at bay. He is now convinced that he most definitely cannot be within conversational distance with Yibo lest he detonates.

"I'm okay," he says. "I'm good."

He keeps walking backward without even realizing it, and it is only the immense concern on Yibo's face that alerts him that he is about to crash into something else.

"Zhan ge!" Yibo calls, out but it is too late. His lower back collides with something hard, and a gasp of pain escapes him. He turns around as he feels whatever he has hit wobble, but once again he is too late. The vase of orchids on the foyer's table tilts, and before Xiao Zhan can catch it, it falls off and crashes to the ground.

Afterwards, everything goes silent.

Xiao Zhan stares down at the shattered ceramic shards for a long moment.

Then he turns to his left without a word, and strolls towards his room. He locks the door the moment he arrives and heads straight for his bed. Then he collapses face down on it and starts to contemplate on which method of suicide would be the quickest and least painful route for him.

He wants to scream into his pillow for the embarrassing debacle he has just exhibited before Yibo, but has no choice but to remain as still as the dead. This is also what he feels he should be right now- dead.

He kissed Yibo.

No, that wasn't just a kiss. He practically devoured the boy. His damn cock eventually knocked his brain out of his skull and took control, and now he is hiding like a fugitive in his own home.

No doubt Yibo right down is stunned out of his mind, but Xiao Zhan had also been the same way when Yibo had confessed to him two weeks earlier. Yibo however had simply used his words. Had been civil and courteous enough, while Xiao Zhan on the other hand had nearly pulled the boy's tongue from his mouth.

Yibo's tongue...

Xiao Zhan's head spins at the reminder.

He tasted Yibo.

His mouth had connected with the boy's and he cannot remember the last time he had felt such a surge of excitement. He cannot believe it. His naughty member right now is throbbing, eager for more, and Xiao Zhan wishes that he can cut it off from his body because it is now clear that its mission is to drive him to madness.

He kissed Yibo!

He fucking kissed Yibo! His 'friend!' A fucking guy!

Forget about jerking off to the boy, that was a private indulgence that should have stayed exactly as.

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