1. Crash

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The bell suddenly rings.

Xiao Zhan looks up, everything inside of him going still. There is however nothing to see because the entire apartment is now completely shrouded in darkness.

He hadn't even noticed.

The hand holding his phone which he has been scrolling through lowers as he listens carefully, hoping that this is some sort of mistake.

Because no one should be at his door.

Another shrill however cuts through the heavy silence, and his heart lurches.

Scowling, he gets up but nearly crumbles in the same breath because his legs have now gone numb from seating immobile for so long. He had been unable and unwilling to move, his heart heavy and his nerves in knots.

It takes a few more moments for his blood to recirculate, but whoever is on the other side of the door becomes impatient. They abandon the bell and start to pound.



However, they don't speak.

Xiao Zhan stares at the door, now struck with the horrible suspicion of whom it might be.

It is however too hard to believe because this person... should not be here. In fact, it is expedient that they not be here.

The motorcycle racing crash he has been rewatching endlessly for the last two hours, and devouring every existing and developing piece of news on from Weibo, flashes through his mind. His hand tightens around his phone as a warning strikes his heart.

Your lights are not on. He will eventually accept that you're not home and leave.

This person's banging, however, intensifies, and it is heart-wrenching.

"Open up," he hears the low hiss through gritted teeth from the other side.

Xiao Zhan's knees trembles.

"Xiao Zhan!"

The door is pounded on again and again, and Xiao Zhan pleads internally.


As though the person hears him, the banging ceases, and a long, wretched silence ensues.

The sniffing comes first, and then the low, quiet sobbing, and it becomes impossibly difficult to breathe. Xiao Zhan can no longer stop himself from moving towards the door, and just as he arrives, hears the defeated call.

"Zhan ge."

"Zhan ge." the voice calls again... soft and .... broken. And pained.

He's fine, Xiao Zhan tries to reassure himself. He'll be fine.

"Just for tonight," the person on the other side entreats. "Just for a few minutes."


"Didn't you see? I could have died."

Xiao Zhan's gaze lifts to the ceiling, stung with tears.

"Open the door!" they pound on the door again.

"Open the fucking door!"

Xiao Zhan jumps, certain that the entire building is able to hear the violent kicks and roars. His hand closes timidly around the handle,

"I'm broken. You're glad, right? That's what I deserve right?"

Xiao Zhan has to move away. He can no longer remain here, otherwise, he is not going to be able to stop himself from opening the door... and facing him.

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