03 | Winter Aesthetics

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We love the winter season and we also love to get to know our audience. And what is a better way to get to know each other than by asking you a couple of completely random questions, while admiring pretty pictures of miracles of this cool season?

Please do use in-line comments to answer these questions. You're more than encouraged to browse through the answers of others too and get to know each other a little better!

 You're more than encouraged to browse through the answers of others too and get to know each other a little better!

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→ If you could spend the holidays anywhere in the world, where would it be?

→ What was on your letter to Santa when you were a kid?

→ Do you have a festive playlist to keep you in a good mood? Name three songs on that list! 

→ Do you have a festive playlist to keep you in a good mood? Name three songs on that list! 

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→ What gift(s) are you giving yourself this year?

→ What was the best non-monetary gift you've ever received?

→ What are your top three favourite Christmas movies?

→ What are some of your favourite memories from this year?

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→ What are some of your favourite memories from this year?

→ Please describe to us how your very own version of Christmas would look like (if you could revamp it from scratch).

→ What are some things about the winter season that you enjoy the most?

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