10 | Day 5: A Day of Scrumptious Main Meals

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Spaghetti Bolognese

Ingredients (for a family of five)

1kg minced meat

20g tomato paste

2 - 3 X 375g tin of crushed tomatoes

2 jars of pasta sauce ie; Dolmios is one, but any will do

Vegetables; this can be anything from canned corn, peas, and carrots, or, can be steamed veggies, fresh-diced veg - the choices are endless.

1 onion, diced

2 cloves of garlic, or, garlic paste/crushed garlic equivalent is 2 tablespoons


1. Add diced onion and garlic and potentially 3 - 4 drops of oil to prevent it all from sticking. Cook until onion is soft

2. Add minced meat, and brown it

3. Add tomato paste, mix it through, thoroughly and let it simmer for a minute or two

4. Add the cans of diced tomatoes, one-by-one, mixing it through, thoroughly and let it simmer for a minute or two, and repeating with the next can

5. Add your 2 jars of pasta sauce, and mix altogether

6. If you're able: prepare the sauce a solid 3 - 4 hours before you need it, this way the sauce can be left on a low simmer with regular stirring!

7. About 20 minutes before you wish to eat, prepare your pasta

Serving Suggestion

After you have drained the water, and put the pasta back in its pot; add a few scoops of sauce to that and stir it through. Then, as you're serving your husband, or teenagers, or just those with a larger appetite; try this!

Layer the bowl with some pasta (coated in sauce) spoon extra sauce, add their pref. Cheese, or a combination of tasty and parmesan is recommended! Then, do the same again - like with a lasagne.



Steak & Caramelised Onion Pie


2 tablespoons olive oil

1kg of rump steak- cubed, or whatever your preference is

3 onions- sliced

1 tablespoon brown sugar

1 cup of water

3 tablespoons of *Gravy

1 sheet (larger sized) shortcrust pastry

*This recipe calls for 3 tablespoons of Gravox gravy powder, due to its fuller flavour, however, any gravy works.


1. Preheat oven to 200°C/400°F/170°C fan forced

2. Heat oil in a large pan, add onions and cook for 2 - 3 minutes

3. Add sugar, and continue cooking over a medium heat for 5 minutes, or, until Golden Brown

4. Add steak, and sauté until just brown.

5. Place your chosen gravy into a jug and gradually add water, stirring/whisking until smooth

6. Pour gravy on meat, stir and simmer for 2 minutes

7. Pour meat mix into a 20cm pie dish and top with pastry.

8. Prick the pastry to make air holes and bake for 20 - 25 minutes.



Pasta with Mushroom Sauce


500g of your favourite pasta

3 tablespoons of olive oil

1 tablespoon of garlic

3 medium-sized onions- diced

3 rashers of bacon- diced

500g mushrooms

½ cup of thickened cream

Parmesan cheese


1. Start to cook the pasta

2. While the pasta is cooking, heat oil in a large pan

3. Add garlic, onion sliced/diced mushrooms, and bacon and cook till onion is soft

4. Stir-in the the thickened cream, and stir constantly over an increased heat, until the mixture bubbles and thickens

5. Turn off the heat under the sauce, once ready

6. Drain the pasta and return it to the pot

7. Mix in just under half the sauce and stir it in well, then serve

8. After serving the pasta, offer extra sauce to those who would like some, and sprinkle with the parmesan, too.

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