• T W E N T Y O N E •

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"You complain about the cold but you want to fucking take a walk at eleven in the night? When we should be sleeping our way into oblivion?" Arius muttered, making air quotes when he said cold.

"Yeah, it'll be Christmas in an hour, I want to stay awake." Elijah said rubbing his hands together as he grinned.

"You do realise that it's not really Christmas right? Winter solstice-"

"Shut up Johnson, you're such a killjoy. Of course I know it isn't actually Christmas, but you cannot deny that it's the best time of year." Elijah said, as they stepped out of the dorms after looking around carefully.

"My best time of the year is adding up all the nights I've slept and forgotten about everything, so it's pretty complicated." Arius grinned as he stuffed his hands into his pocket.
His hair was curlier than usual and hung in his face, making him look innocent and the cold had tinted his cheeks a light pink and Elijah was trying his best not to fix his gaze on his stupid face.

Elijah laughed at Arius's response as they walked on but stopped all of a sudden. Well, when he thought about what Arius said in jest, it was pretty dark. It sounded like a coping mechanism and given the fact that Elijah was there for that one panic attack, he wasn't going to be surprised if it was deeper than just a running joke.

"Morbid, morbid. I don't know how we even hang out, we're so different man." Elijah said, as they walked on in the biting cold, the trees topped with glistening white, the ground beneath them.

"Tell me about it." Arius replied.

Elijah missed home. This didn't feel like Christmas at all, his mum's cookies and cakes weren't present, Abby and her experimental drinks weren't present. It was the first time he was spending Christmas away from home and it was so fucking saddening. But on the bright side, Arius was there to give him some company.
He had bought Mr.Bruce and Arius gifts from the town over the previous day when Arius had been napping.

They made their way across the snow covered grass as their boots thumped and padded, displacing little white flakes from the ground.
Bianca and Mason were heading out of their unique dorm when Elijah and Arius passed by.

"Hi Elijah! What brings you out of your rooms this cold night?" Bianca smiled, nodding her head at Arius.

"Could ask you the same!" Elijah smiled back.

"Just walking around with Mason here, I'm sure you know him. He's on the basketball team." Bianca said, a hint of pride in her voice.

"Yeah we know each other. Hey, if you don't mind, can we just walk around in the tower? I've always wanted to see what it looks like." Elijah said after he had acknowledged Mason.

"Oh yeah, no one's around except a few of them. Steer clear from 405 though, you do not want to go in there." Bianca said, her voice taking on a warning tone.

"Cool, got it!" Elijah smiled.

"Alright, see ya!" Bianca said, as she pulled Mason along with her.

If he hadn't caught her with Maggie, he would've been convinced that they were a thing.

"I'm surprised she agreed to that. What do you do to people Kingston? Bewitch them?" Arius asked in amazement.

"It's called being nice and friendly, you should try it sometime." Elijah teased as he walled toward the large doors.

"Shut the fuck up." Arius scoffed.

"That's not going to get you anywhere Arius, be nice." Elijah said, faking a stern tone.

"I really want to see the top of the tower more than anything." Arius put in.

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