• F O U R T E E N •

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"Today, we'll start with Integrals. I'd appreciate it if you all whipped open your books to page sixty-five. Quite easy if you pay attention and follow through with everything I ask of you." Mr.Harold droned on as Elijah fought to keep his eyes open.
It was the last period. But two coffees and one lunch later, he still couldn't stay fully awake.
Tirzah kept nudging him every now and then but was failing miserably.
He really shouldn't have stayed up the whole night sketching.

"Kingston! If I'm boring you, you're welcome to leave the class before I kick you out." Mr.Harold barked as Elijah let out a giant yawn, attempting to cover it with his mouth.

"Well sir, I'm yawning because my body's in need of oxygen. That's the scientific explanation anyway." Elijah mumbled, regretting it immediately.

Mr.Harold's eyes grew as wide as saucers and narrowed almost immediately, as he slapped down his book on the table.

"Get out! And don't come back until you learn some manners."

"Oh! Joy." Elijah said, rolling his eyes as he stood up. He was terrible to be around when he hadn't slept well or was still sleepy.

He was pretty sure he could see steam pouring out of the teacher's ears as he walked out of the class. Tirzah would teach him anyway and she did a damn good job doing it.
Jake had stopped attending Math I when he'd heard that students taking Advanced class didn't have to attend. So it was just him and Tirzah.
The only other people he recognized were Arius and Megan. They were partners in math class and Elijah would be lying if he said he didn't feel a twinge of uneasiness.

Just a little bit though.

Arius was a math prodigy. He always scored the highest in Math I and was tied up with Ryder in the Advanced course. Elijah wondered why he even bothered attending this class. True to what Elijah had thought weeks before, half the girls in his grade were fawning after the brooding, messy haired boy. But he had snubbed all their advances and to be honest, Elijah hadn't seen him interacting with other students. Except Madilyn and Koovs from his art class.

Elijah walked out of the block towards their dorms as everyone would return in another forty five minutes anyway.
At first, he'd thought that this place was hung up on discipline and unnecessary rules by the looks of it but after a month, he'd realised that wasn't the case. Everyone was pretty chill here, including Delavere.
Tomorrow, all of them would be going to Charlottseville with the soccer team to watch them play as the game was during the weekend. Elijah was excited to see how Jake would fare in the game.

He had all but gone back to his room, kicked off his shoes and fallen face first into his bed. He would wake up only tomorrow, and he knew that nothing would shake him from his slumber.

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The stadium was in total uproar even before the match had begun. Elijah, Ryder and Tirzah were in the stands, awaiting the arrival of both teams onto the pitch.
Apparently, the Highland Streaks and Stonewall FC had a long history of rivalry which is why the hype was more than usual.
The uproar only got louder as the home team jogged onto the court, clad in white and blue. No later, the Stonewall FC had arrived in a black uniform with red stripes on their sleeves.
They caught Jake's nervous, jittery form moving from side to side as the rest of the team stood unmoving. His jersey was no. 4 and had  B L A K E  printed at the back.

The refree blew his whistle and the game was set into motion. It was clear to everyone that their team was going to win. Chase was like a streak of lightning on the field and so were the other players but Elijah didn't know any of them. Viggo and Jake had struck up a sort of partnership pattern that wasn't very obvious unless you looked closely. They were always banking on each other, passing to each other and covering for each other.
It probably made sense because they were the only juniors on the team and apparently the soccer team hadn't any subs.

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