The Past

156 17 25

December 21
12 AM

Dinah and Ally had been watching Christmas movies since her parents went to bed. They weren't talking much as they both were tired but tried to keep awake.

Dinah stretches, "Well we are officially three days closer to Christmas Eve...have you been naughty or nice?" Dinah jokes. Ally gives her a look, "I don't even have to ask to know which list you're on."

Dinah playfully scoffs and throws a popcorn at her, "I've been a good kid all year, definitely made the nice list."

Dinah gives Ally that charming smile that Ally can't help but melt at. Her brother didn't have that smile , nor the affect. "How come you're not bringing anybody home for the holidays?" Ally asks.

Dinah's smile falters, and she sighs, "I guess I'd outta tell you, come come get comfortable." Dinah pats the spot on the fluffy carpet next to her for Ally to lay by. They were close by the fire pit so they were warm and cozy.

Ally scoots off the couch and next to Dinah. She waits for her to start her story. "I was with this girl a year ago, her name was Haylie was definitely somebody I thought I could spend my life with so you know I proposed...that was the worst mistake of my life."

Ally notices Dinah's facial features change, "First it started off that I wasn't trying anymore, I wasn't enough for her so uh you know I began to change," Dinah pauses to regain her composure, "I change and became what I thought she wanted me to be but that was too much for she left me with the ring and I haven't heard from her since."

Ally frowns, and places a hand on Dinah's shoulder, "I think you're absolutely great how you are."

Dinah rolls her eyes, "Yeah right I ruined your phone and nearly killed you with my car, I can't be that great."

Ally punches her shoulder slightly, "Hey I won't have you demean yourself, if I say you're amazing then you're amazing." Dinah looks at Ally and smiles down at her, "I'm glad you think so...kinda just left the whole settling down thing alone ever since."

Ally grabs Dinah's hand, "Maybe you should try again, I'm sure there is a beautiful , smart, and charming girl like you out there."

Dinah looks at Ally, even if it was for a second it felt like a minute, and says, "Yes there sure is." Ally smiles at her and then lays down on the pillow.

Dinah does the same, but then asks, "So you think I'm charming?"  Ally laughs and hits Dinah with a pillow, "Sure whatever floats your boat."

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