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Ally swipes through her phone as she waits for her flight to be called.

Nervous  was an understatement. Ally's bouncing leg and lip chewing was through the roof. "First time flying?"

A voice behind Ally says and Ally looks behind her and meets the most golden brown eyes she's ever seen.

What a stud, Ally thought to herself. She had a very charming smile.

"That obvious huh?" Ally says and the woman infront of her chuckles, "Eh well kinda, not really uncommon but I can definitely tell when someone is flying for the first time."

Ally smiles, "Yeah I am sure it would be easier traveling with someone".

The woman adjusts herself in her seat and gives Ally a look, "A woman as pretty and tiny as you shouldn't be traveling alone by herself, someone might take you home."

Ally blushes slightly at the comment and lightly laughs, "Hopefully not, my fiancé got caught up with work so gotta do what you gotta do."

The woman notes the fact that Ally is definitely not single, and notices the rock on her finger, "My names Dinah by the way Dinah Jane, it is a pleasure to meet you Miss-?"

"Oh! That's right, my name is Ally, Ally Brooke." Ally shakes Dinah's hand. They were definitely ten times bigger than hers. "I take it you must travel a lot?"

Dinah nods, "Yes, I like to make handcrafted things and sometimes it requires me to personally deliver the products I create for my customers." Dinah digs her in her coat pocket, and pulls out a small ballerina ornament.

She was brown skinned, dark hair, and had beautiful, very detailed white outfit on.  Ally reaches out for it carefully, "She's gorgeous."

Dinah beams, "I'm glad you think so, I've been working on her during my free time, she's going to go home to a little girl who's spending her Christmas in the hospital this year." Ally looks at Dinah, "How much are you charging?"

Dinah shrugs her shoulders, "This one is on the house, her parents are very good friends of mine, her mother Normani was a ballerina and she tells me Odette would like to be one as well."

Ally felt like crying, "That's so kind of you Dinah, your creations must really mean something to you huh?"

Dinah nods, "They sure do, I put a little piece of my heart into each of them...also means I'm very very good with my hands." Dinah chuckles as Ally was taken back by the joke. Dinah then pulls out a white box, "Cupcake? They're the best in the big city."

Ally looks at the box and chuckles, "I'm good, I remember making those last night." Dinah looks down at the box and reads the labels.

Ally's Sweat Treats!

Dinah gasps, "No way! These are your cupcakes?" Ally nods, "Yup the best bakery on 23rd street...guess you can say I'm good with my hands as well."

Dinah chokes slightly on the cupcake.

"But you don't just bake do you?" Dinah questions, trying to stop the very suggestive thoughts going on in her head.

Ally shakes her head, "They're not really my knick knacks but I do allow people to sell, I get 25 percent commission and they get 75, my dad used to tinker a lot so while he created I baked."

The two were interrupted by the voice of the flight attendant woman, "Flight 09, heading to Bar Harbor, Maine, please begin making your way for departure, thank you."

Dinah and Ally look at eachother, and in unison say, "That's my plane."

"No way!" Dinah looks at Ally's plane ticket, and smiles at her.

Dinah and Ally look at eachother, "Huh, guess you won't be flying alone after all." Dinah tells Ally and grabs her bags.

Ally smiles, "I guess I won't."

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