James Is Gay?

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Dinah knew it was too good to be true. She walks out of her house to get some air.

She definitely knew it would never happen but she couldn't stop herself from falling for Ally. Even after spending such little time there was such a connection she couldn't shake off.

"Fuck why me."

"Why you? Because you're a Hansen, and who we want is who we get." Grandpa comes outside onto the porch,lighting a blunt. Dinah does a double take, "Grandpa what are you doing?"

Grandpa smacks his lips, "Don't tell your mom, more importantly what's got your dick in a twist." He says. Dinah sighs, "Nothing gramps...I can't be thinking about a taken women anyway."

"Surely didn't stop you last night." He chuckles to himself, "That was a good one." while exhaling. Dinah gives him a look, "You saw?"

"I see everything, I'm just too old to care," Grandpa looks down at his blunt, "Also too high."

Dinah slumps over the railing, "I'm the worst sibling ever." Grandpa laughs, "Atleast she isn't married yet, how do you think me and your grandma met? I went to her wedding!"

Dinah gives her grandpa a confused look, "I thought y'all met through dancing?" Grandpa nods, "We did, I wasn't suppose to dance with her, but the husband left for a second and well...it was an instant feeling, instant love, the connection was so strong that I had her break up with him within the week of knowing her."

Grandpa smiles at the memory, "The same way you look at that girl is the same way I used to look at your grandma." He tells Ally. Dinah realizes it. She does feel very strongly for Ally.

Dinah was about to bring up James but grandpa stops her, "Before you say anything about your brother, how the hell does everyone but me not realize he's a little...well you know..." Grandpa flicks his wrist, girly like, indicating that his grandson is-

"Gay? You think James is gay?"

Grandpa laughs, and burns out his blunt, "Oh I know so...anyway I'm going back in we got a party to get ready for."


Ally looks in her closet, she had nothing to wear for the banquet. She hears the door open and looks behind her. It was Normani.

"Oh hey Ally! I was here to drop off some things from my boutique for the family, is Dinah here?"

Ally nods, "Yes! She's downstairs I think finishing up a project."

Normani nods and sees Ally's clothes all over the bed, "Hmm you deciding an outfit for tomorrow?"

Ally sighs and sits, "Yes but I have nothing to wear." Normani smiles, "Come with me to my boutique, when I'm not dancing I have a passion for fashion, I am 100% sure we can find something for you."

Ally thinks about it and nods, "Okay! I'm just gonna leave a note for Dinah that I'm gone."

"She's pretty fond of you huh?" Normani questions. Ally shrugs, "I guess so, she's been nothing but," Ally's mind goes back to last night, "...erm sweet to me."

Normani nods, noticing the hesitation in Ally's voice. "You fond of her?"

Ally sighs, and nods, "Undoubtedly l am, I couldn't help but create a bond with her..."

"You say that so sadly." Normani says. Ally shakes her head, "It's nothing I promise...what is Odette wearing?"

Normani decides not to push the subject, noticing how Ally changes the subject, "Oh this beautiful gown, I can't tell you how fascinated she is about gala's and balls, princess and castle's...makes me sad sometimes because I know she wants to get older and...sometimes it's easier to just accept things." Normani smiles sadly at Ally.

Ally frowns, "I believe she is going to look beautiful tomorrow, she really is a wonderful child." Normani grabs her hand, "Okay let's go before Dinah doesn't let us leave, I'm gonna make you drop dead gorgeous for tomorrow night."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2021 ⏰

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