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NEW YORK|| Next day


So as y'all know me and Kaleb broke up and me n josh talking now

But right now I just got dress and josh went to work like an hour ago and everyone left to do them

I don't know who's at the house cause I never left my room since 10 am to lock the door after josh and then I made food for me

Then went right back in my room and bussed out crying

I'm dumb ion need to be here like I been hit by two men and pregnant but they got killed now

I failed as a sister, a girlfriend, a mother like as everything

I just wanna go and die and not be here no more

I don't even know who Ja'Ziahlee is no more I'm not like that I literally let them do this to me

So I got up and went to the bathroom connected to my room and went in the cabinet and got pills and the razor

I look in the mirror and just shook my head then I put the razor on my arm getting ready to do it

"This is for failing my kids" I said lowly slicing my wrist

"This for failing as a sister" I said lowly slicing my wrist

Then I just lost it and sliced my wrist multiple times till I felled on the floor but I'm still up

I crawl to the cabinet then the tub and cut the water on, got in & then I got the pills and started taking them back to back

While I kept slicing my wrist and taking the pills I finally got weak and my eyes closed



I was at the house the whole time in my room and I went to check on my lil sis Ziah cause she haven't came out all day and it's 5pm now

I walked to her room and didn't see her in the bed then I seen the bathroom light on so I walked in and seen my sis in the tub

With blood around her looking lifeless

"ZIAHHH" I yelled crying shaking her

"Ziah man come on wake up you can't do this" I said crying

Then I called Mari and them to tell them then I called the Ems to the house and they said they was on the way

About 10 minutes later the Ems & the gang pulled up the Ems grabbed Ziah and put her one the strap bed and to her straight to the hospital

Once they took her we all left behind them and everyone was crying and specially me

That's my mfn twin right there I will kill who ever over her I love that girl so much even if did have our ups and downs

"Where's my baby" our mom said coming in with the kids and Miah and them

"They took her to the back and we have to wait here" nene said making our mom nod

"Is she going be okay" Josiah said making me smile alil

"Yes she's going be okay lil man" Mari said making him nod

"So what the fuck happened" kc said making me look up

"I don't know everything but I guess she thought everyone was not home and she did and then I heard her drop sum but i thought she was in the shower or sum then I waited for about 5 minutes then I went to check on her and I seen the light on in the restroom to I went in there seeing her looking lifeless in the tub and with blood all on her and in the water" I said crying and everything shook they heads

"Hey I know I'm late I was a work and I got the call where is she, is she okay" josh said coming in

"We don't know yet they haven't said anything yet" quan said making him nod

Also lyssa here too with the baby he's so cute like I got a nephew

About 3 hours later....

"Bruh they need to hurry the fuck up" Kari said making us nod

"Deadass" Kaleb said making everyone look at him cause he haven't said nun since we been here

"Family of Ja'Ziahlee Smith" the doctor said making us stand

"That's us" our mom said

"Well she was dead at the scene but she's really strong and we patched up the marks on her wrist and we got the pills out her system but she did kept going in and out but on the last one she woke up alil but then she slipped in to a coma- the doctor said but Kaleb cut her off

"When will she wake up" he said making josh mug him but he kept his chill

"Um that we don't know when she'll wake up because like I said she kept going in and out so it might take days, months, years we don't know yet sir" the doctor said to us making us shake our head

"Can we go see her" I said to the doctor

"Sorry but visiting hours are over maybe tomorrow around 7am is fine" the doctor said making us nod

"Well thank you ma'am" our mom said while we all got ready to leave

After that we left and I took a shower to get the blood off of me and then laid down thinking and crying till I felled asleep


This chapter going be short...🥴


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