Chapter 11

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Donnies POV

HOW!? WHEN!! When and how did this happen!? I remember falling to the ground but nothing else. How do I just suddenly appear to be in my friends body? "It worked! Just not exactly how I expected it to." I heard my ghost friend say. "What exactly did you do?" I asked, turning to him. "Remember that device I kinda took from that lab? I decided it was time to figure out what it did. Its some type of genie and, since you're in my body and I'm a ghost, you cant make a wish cause it will think you're me. Not my words." He said, sitting next to me. I heard screaming towards my left. "Oh boy...." I said. "Time to put my acting skills to the test." I whispered. I walked over to my body and stood there for a sec. "So this is why they keep begging me to get sleep. I look like a dead pun intended." I stated. I had bags under my eyes from my all nighters. I heard them getting closer and decided on the worst thing I could possibly do...I fell and cried on the corpse. "What are you doing??" "Acting. Best thing I can think of." I stated as I whimpered and sniffled. The footsteps stopped about a few feet away from me.  "Donnie...I'm so sorry....I should have been the one to get shot, not you!" I yelled as I sobbed. "Dudes...did Donnie know him?" I heard Mikey whisper. I heard footsteps coming closer and I turned my view towards my friend. "Do it!" He said. I rubbed my head into my body as a nod and waited till whoever was behind me trapped my shoulder. Once it came I hastily turned around, looking scared in a way. "If you're the person shooting at us back off!" I yelled to the three. Leo took a couple steps back, hands up slightly. "I'm sorry I had startled you." He said. I looked at him and nodded, wiping fake tears away. "I-its okay..." I said. "What's your name? And how did you know our brother?" Mikey asked. "M-my names H-Haikuu Uki. Y-your brother and I m-met in a holding c-cell at some dudes l-lair." I stuttered. I turned my eyes towards Uki, seeing him hold his thumbs up. "Do you know who took him??" Raph asked. I turned pale. I need to say something like I knew their nicknames. I looked back at my friend. "I called them Rock Dog and Robo Fish. And whoever took me and was pulled onto the speaker, I called him Deep Man." He said. "Rock Dog and Robo Fish. They brought him in with a bag over his head. He was flailing his arms around...or at least attempting. Once the bag was off he was scared, but got used to me after a little bit. Deep Man came in and took us to a lab. We were lab rats for this...chemical. After they explained what it did, we were already injected with it, but it had failed. We were...tortured. I was perfectly fine with it as I was abused alot back at home. Donnie on the other hand was attacked at all sides with knives. We got out eventually, but he wanted time to heal before he came back. We were kind of just hanging out on the rooftop before we were shot at...I'm sorry I couldnt help him." I said. They seemed to believe it as Leo pulled me over and Mikey and Raph went to my body. "I'm Leon-" "no need! He told me all about you three." I said. He nodded and turned towards the two. "Why do I question your tactics of help, Raph?" I heard Uki say, trying to pull his bandana. I tried to suppress a laugh, but I had failed. "I-im sorry! A funny memory came up!" I said as I giggled. Uki smiled at the sight of me giggling and laughed along with me.

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