Chapter 6

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First person
Everything hurts. Why us? I dont think we did anything wrong. They had tested a chemical compound that, after explaining, would let us feel the others pain. We were both injected with it and nothing happened. I didnt notice how scared Donnie was of needles until just then. After the test had failed, we were both beaten senseless. I was punched in the gut who knows how many times and Donnie had a knife coming at him in all directions. "WE WERE DEFENSLESS!" I screamed, jolting Donnies focus towards my direction. He smiled, "I see you have honor for that stuff?" He asked as I turned around. "Yeah, my dad was a ninja and taught me what it took. All I learned from it was a ninja always has honor. You should never attack a defenseless person." I said. He nodded. "Yeah, my father taught me that too." "How old are you?" He turned towards me. "I'm 16. You?" "16 as well." I confirmed. We turned our focus towards the yelling coming from the other side of the door. "Thinking the scientist is getting the worst of it?" "Most likely. Although you should never do that to a person like that." "Yeah." We said. After a little while, gun shots were heard. We got up in fear. That's when I turned towards Donnie. "What's the plan? Their distracted." I asked. "We need something heavy enough to break the door down. We did confirm its metal, right?" He asked. I walked up and knocked on it a couple times. "Yep, thick at the sides, thin on the inside." I said. After our conversation for the past hour, we both confirmed we were both very intelligent with this stuff. That's when a thought came to mind. "You can still tuck into your shell, right?" "Yeah, why?" "What if you ran and tucked in before you hit it?" I asked. He smiled once more. How can a person like him in this situation be smiling? Doesnt matter, right now, this is our ticket out. I nodded and stepped back. Before long, we were out. "Your injured. Let's sneak around and find an open door. I dont know who got in here, but they could be on neither side." "Good point." He said before we ran to the left hallway. "Doors over here are locked." "New plan. Came up with it just now. Lets go to the lab, grab some medical equipment, get you patched up, and we can get the shell out of here" I said. Saying shell was better than real cursing to be honest. He nodded and we both ran for the labs. We opened one that was empty and went in. "Nothing huge but a few cuts. Some bandages will cover it." "No problem, although the one on your leg needs to be stitched." "Thinking the same thing. Although your pretty bad yourself." "I know. Arms all cut up." "Let's get you done first then we can get me all done." "Good idea" we said. I had a few cuts and bruises. My stomach had a pillow ontop of it under my shirt. I'm used to people punching my stomach so I keep one under there incase. I had explained this to him already and he didnt mind it. After I was done, he was next. We decided that it would be best to leave the stitching to a professional instead, so we left, but not before we took a strange device. "Hey, Don?" I called out. "Yeah?" "You know what this is?" I asked, holding out a small device with a button on it. It had strange writing on it that even I couldnt translate. He walked over and took a look. "I have no idea. Keep it for later and if we need it, we press the button." He said, holding it out to me. I took it and put it in my hoodie pouch. We went put and immediately a gunshot was heard.

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