Chapter 5

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"LEO, HE AINT HERE!" "DONNIE!!!" "DONATELLO, COME ON BRO!" The brothers screamed as the foot left. They hed tears streaming down their faces, staining their colored masks. Their brilliant minded brother was nowhere to be seen. They all stood there, petrified as the scene played on, seeing the one side of the building, in which Donnie was in, had fallen onto itself. They sat there, wiping tears as more fell. They had seen Fishface and Dogpound walk in, coming out with something in tow, but it looked like a box. They didnt think any of it as they went into despair. They told Splinter after an hour, causing their father to come out and get the three. "My sons. What happened?" He asked his boys. They explained they had attempted to have the warehouse, but they had forgotten what happens when Donnie is way too panicky about these situations. "I'm sorry, Sensei. The bomb said we had thirty seconds on the clock and all I did was get Raph, Mikey, and I out." Leo said. Splinter frowned as his oldest broke down. "Let us go home. You fo...three are to stay in the sewers until you are well enough to fight." He said. They did as they were told and followed their father home.

First person
I woke up in a small cell. Great, I'm still here. Not like I've been hoping for some help for the past 4 weeks. I'm surprised I havent went insane due to the inactivity going on. I looked up to the ceiling and smirked. "Looks like your son had failed to think of a way out, huh Mom and Dad?" I said. My parents have died a few years ago. I'm an only child and didnt go to school for a few reasons. One being I dont have the money for it. Two was because I'm very introverted. I hate public interactions. I'm from a small town in Japan, but had English heritage. I dont even know where the heck I am anymore. One second I'm in my old house, the next I'm kidnapped and brought to America. "Greetings once again, child." The low voice again. What did he want now? "I would like to introduce you to my enemy's son. I hope you both get along. Or not, what ever works out." The coms said. Enemy's son? Hadn't he explained that his enemy was a mutant rat?? Not that I'm not a fan, just strange to kidnap the enemy's son instead of the guy himself. The doors open and in came the rock dog and his buddy old pal robot fish. They came in with a figure with a bag on his face. "You're gonna suffocate him if you dont take the bag off." I said before I was punched in the gut. "You are not to speak to us unless we speak to you." "Isnt that how a conversation works?" Another punch to the gut. The bag was taken off the guy. So, hold on. This guys enemy's son is a mutant turtle? Yet again not that I'm not a fan. I like how this dude has or had a wife, but as I've heard, the guys wife had died some odd years ago. Maybe the guy was getting a pet turtle? Who even knows. I saw him look up with wide eyes. His eyes were a brown with a tint of red. They were pretty for a turtle. He calmed down and looked confused. "You arent scared?" He asked. "Why would I be scared? I've seen alot of things, but you arent any of them. I havent heard of mutant turtles before." I stated. He smiled with his gap tooth showing. It was adorable to say the least. "I'm Haikuu Uki! But you can call me Uki if you want." I said. "Donatello, but my brothers call me Donnie." He said. "So, how'd you end up here?" He asked. "Kidnapped from Japan. Do you know where we are now?" "New York City. Manhattan to be exact. You know how long you've been here?" "Four weeks. I'm not much of a social person, so nobody notices my disappearance." "Parents?" "Dead. Only child. Dont have schooling because I had no money. Learned everything on my own." "Same. I learned everything from my father. Pretty sure they believe I'm dead." "Whys that?" "Kidnapped after the building I was in collapsed on one side where, as my brothers saw me last,  i was in." "Geez" "yeah..." we spoke to eachother for hours before the door opened. Donnie stood up and walked over infront of me. "Time for test one."

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