Chapter 8

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Donnies POV

Uki was a sweet kid. For the past few days he would check up on my neck before we went somewhere. Today was the first day we get more supplies. We were running low on materials and were getting bored of the games. "What are you going to do while I'm in there?" Haikuu asked. "Dont know. Guess just sit on the roof. Once your done just give me a whistle? I dont know how loud it'll be, so if that doesnt work, just go into the alleyway and throw a rock up." I stated. Lately it's been getting louder and louder over where Uki goes, so it's hard to hear a whistle unless I'm paying close attention to the sounds. We went our ways without being seen. I brought a tetris game I had found in the garbage and it still worked, so we went with it. "K, be careful Don. Dont get hurt again like last time, k?" "I will, dont get your mind in a jumble." I said with a grin. Yestarday I may or may not have accidentally slipped off the roof. It was lucky that I had grabbed onto the ladder in time. I got to the roof and went to the very center where nobody could see me. I got my game out and started up the first level.

In the lair(third person)

The turtles have been in the lair, not coming out. April came down, but not a whole lot. Leo hasn't said a word ever since except small, short answers. He stayed in the living room or the kitchen until bed. Raph was back to his short tempered self once more, but worse. The smallest things tick him off. Like the cheese not being where it's supposed to or a missing knife. Mikey hasn't joked about anything or smiled as often, only rarely with April down there with them. Splinter hasn't come put of his room. April and Casey try very hard to give them comfort, but it's hard when they miss the brainy turtle themselves. They all were curious about one thing only; Where was his body? They went back to the area one night but couldnt find the body anywhere. Splinter had said that he would not rest until his sons body was found and put to rest. But if said turtle was dead, where was he now?

Haikuus pov

I got new games, more food, and a few small things for Donnie to mess with. He told me about his anxiety so I decided to help( you may be wondering where hes getting the money for this stuff. Well, I made up this place for the homeless where everything was free. Schooling? They pay for it. Food? Free. Games? Free. Bed sheets? Made by hand. You get the gist.). I whistled for Donnie and stood there for about 10 seconds before I whistled again. He didnt hear me the second time, so I did as he asked and threw a rock. I heard a small ow and my turtle friends face appeared over the edge. He was holding his arm. I got up and he smacked my arm. "Pay back!" He said as we walked our way back. We heard yelling from below which caught our attention. We looked over to see cops and thieves being arrested. There were four thieves, one holding a gun. We looked at eachother and back at the scene. "Please tell me you got popcorn" "sorry, I didn't." "YOU HAD ONE JOB!" He yelled sarcastically before laughing. There was a few cops holding guns, so he was put numbered. But he had a shield type thing to cover himself up(btw, it is dark out). We saw bullets go flying all over the place and decided it was best that they got cover too. Before we could, I heard a thud from behind and my worst case scenario had come true. "DONNIE!!"

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