Haikuu Uki

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Okay, so I'm gonna introduce the characters you guys arent familiar with. The photos of them will be at the top of the page. First, we have the first person Donnie meets; Haikuu Uki.

Haikuu is a 16 year old kid from Japan. His mother was from America and his father was from Japan. By the time he was 10, his Dad had died in a battle, causing his mother to become depressed. A few months later his mother committed suicide. A year later he became homeless. He no longer went to school and was forced to steal stuff in order to survive. He taught himself after being kicked from school. He was bullied by juniors and seniors about how useless he was to society and how he should commit the unalive like his mother did. When he was 13 he was allowed to stay with an older man. The old man was a very kind soul and got him new clothes. Only a couple years later he died due to a heart disease. He never said a word after that. The night he was kidnapped he was gonna start cutting.

Height: 5'8
Age: 16
Current state: dead
Likes: anything dangerous(gun fights, fighting, etc.)
Dislikes: crowded places, mean people

This is what Uki sounds like if he were to sing. It's very rare, but if hes alone. In the band, they'll ask him to help back the lead singer up or for him to sing the lead. It came to the point he got used to it!
If he were in TFIL or the "we love our friends" parody, he would most likely be Sam. I'll explain why I'm adding the youtube channel at a later time.

 I'll explain why I'm adding the youtube channel at a later time

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These are some references for his guitar

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These are some references for his guitar. Top one being the one that he uses whenit's dark, bottom is what it looks like during the day.

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