Chapter 9

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It was their first night out in a little while. Splinter had agreed to letting them get some cool air and said it would help them relax. They ran the rooftops together with small grins on their faces, Mikey had a huge smile, one they havent seen in a long time and they sat down at a large building. "Splinter was right, this is helping." Mikey said, leaning on Leo's shoulder. He nodded while Raph leaned onto the water tower behind them with a grin. "Never thought I could be this calm" he said. After a little while of nothing, they heard screaming and yelling. They got up and followed the sound and found cops and thieves. They sat there and watched the scene play out until they heard giggling from another rooftop. Leo turned and saw two figures on a roof bot far from theirs. "Ninja mode, you two. There are teens on another building." He said before dragging Mikey to the shadows. "Please tell me you got popcorn" one of them said. To say the least, it sounded like...Donnie. They all frowned at the memories. "Sorry, I didnt" the other said. The other voice sounded a little more higher pitched, but almost the same. "YOU HAD ONE JOB" The first voice yelled before they both laughed. After a little while, gun shots started going off, leading to the two trying to get to cover. That was when a body had fallen, causing the three to gasp. The second choice turned around to find it. "DONNIE!!" He yelled.


"DONNIE!!" I screamed. I ran to him and tried to see where he was shot. He was shot in the same place as the first bullet had hit, just deeper. "Hey, you're gonna be fine, okay? You'll be fine." I said as tears formed in my eyes. He opened his slightly and smirked. "You're too sweet, Uki. But yeah. Same place as the one. Thinking deeper to the point I cant get it to stop...bleeding" he said. I nodded. "What do you want me to do." "Take the one tie off and RIP the other tail. Retie the first one around it and tie the other one ontop." He said. "Just cover the wound with your hand so I can get it." I said as I untied the first tail. As I suspected, the blood had started seeping faster. He covered it up and winced. Before I could get the other tail, I heard footsteps coming towards our direction. I quickly got the wound repatched and Donnie got up. We turned towards the footsteps and saw three figures on the opposite side of the street. As I looked back at Don, he seemed to recognize them. "W-we need to go." He said, grabbing my arm. "But the show isnt over!" I said with a smirk, causing him to chuckle. "I know, but those three brothers and I dont need them knowing until I'm fully healed." He said, putting me on his shell. "All I can say is im helping you scrub your shell next time. This is just gross." I said, feeling dirt and shedding on my legs. "We can worry about it later. Right now we just need to-" "hey, get back here!" We heard a voice call out. I heard Donnie swear and he started bolting. "Raph I swear to the higher heavens you're gonna kill both of us if you dont stop with your police inpression" I heard him whisper, causing us both to chuckle. He jumped to an alleyway where we hadn't noticed a group of gangsters. Out of of shock, there was another gun shot that could be heard. "WHY THE SHELL IS IT ALWAYS ME BEING SHOT!?" Donnie screamed as he held his arm. And, with that being said, I was dropped and the battle had begun.

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