A hangout sesh

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I wolk up in the morning to three texts: text one mom: hey sweet my I shipped you some of your old things they should come in a few weeks! Text to eiji: hey y/n! You fell asleep so I hung up but have a great day and I'll talk to you later luv ya!
Last text unknown number: hey y/n it me shorter! Wanna hang out sometime today we can go grab a drink or something?
I respond to everyone except shorter.

While thinking of my plans for today I realized that I have some school work so sadly I won't be able to Jan out till later so that was the text
Text to shorter: hi shorter! I'm sorry but I have some homework I won't be able to hang out until about 9 tonight. Sorry if that's to late!
He doesn't open the text but I'm in a rush and ignore it

I arrive and the public library to find a book about a lepord that I need for school. When I man catches my eye, He had shoulder length blond hair and was wearing a white trench coat. i uknowingly stared at the beast, he looked so wild yet im the moment so calm. i could tell their was something on his mind but now wanting to bother him i just sat down.

a few moments go byand i just cant stop staring. all i wanted to do was have a conversasion was that really all that difficult? a loud slam of a book being placed took me out of my daydream and looked beside me i saw a young boy, im not to good at numbers but i would guess 5'3? he had sat down next tome and had started readning a book, immediatly recognizing the jacket, (ok i have decided that a great way to avoid like half the deaths in this book would be to kill of lao likesuper early so thats what im doing) that was a bright blue. it was laos. it was handmade my his mother when he was 6 and had always worn it. but this person wasnt lao this person was short this person had lighter skin this person seemed even more moody then lao. noticing me the boy looked up and asked "What the hell are you lookin at?"

Word count: 397

Together at last [Shorter Wong x reader] (DISCOUNTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora