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I treid to make this chapter a bit longer idk sorry it's still kinda short.

All off a sudden I hear a lot of running luckily me and shorter have ducked behind a trash can, although it smells I would much rather be here then out there. It's clear that whoever was following us wasn't going to stop looking. at this point he would find us sooner or later. I guess shorter realized this as well "stay here sunflower I'll be right back DONT move." He said while grabbing his gun. I had never actually seen it before, although I knew he was a gang leader.
After a couple gun shots and we eventually ended up in this position.- (us) (man) (shorter) I gasped realizing how close he was to me. The man heard and turned around. "Got yourself a girlfriend shorter! You wouldn't mind if I-" he was cut short by the last gunshot going right through the mans heart. He soon collapsed onto me splattering crimson blood all over me. I just sat there wide eyed. Unable to move or speak or do anything. Completely and utterly paralyzed. I put my hand up to my mouth as hot tears gushed down my face. Shorter just stood there. Normally this wouldn't happen to people he was normally with. It wouldn't have the same effects, but it I NEED TO GET RHE FUCKIBG SPANISH KEYBOARD OFF MY FUCKIBG PHONE did on me. "I-I'm sorry!" He said while pulling the guys body off mine. He picked me up and started sped walks by to his apartment.

When we got there he went straight to the bathroom. "I'll let you get cleaned up. I'll leave some clothes outside." I hummed in response and started a bath. Soon after shorter walked in. The water was sudsy so he couldn't see anything. "Here" he placed one of his shirts and a pair of sweatpants idk how but they fit  you on a stool. "I'm sorry" he sat down next to the tub and placed his forehead against the tub.  "Stop bothering her shorter!" We heard Nadia yell. "It's fine now get out so I can get dressed!" I chuckled. "Fine, fine" he laughed while walking out.

I got dressed into the clothes I borrowed and headed out to great shorter. I could tell he felt terrible by the look on his face. I sat down next to him and gave him a kiss on the check. This made him blush like crazy! I burst out laughing. "S-stop it!" He threw a pillow at my face "I can't help it your just so cute!" He sighs. "Are you hungry?" My laughter soon dies out. "Yes!" And with that he picked me up bridle style and walked me downstairs. "I'll be in my room lovebirds." Nadia drug out lovebirds. Both me and shorters eyes went wide as we blushed synchronized.

Shorter sat me on the counter. "What would you like m'lady?" "Anything" I chuckle as he puts on his apron. He starts cooking some food and before long we're both laughing and having fun

After we eat I get really tired. "Sleepy?" Shorter asks me. I nod in response and hold my hands up in the air. He picks me up and carries me to his bed. I'm fast asleep, tired from today's stress.

Shorter's POV:
"You to shouldn't be together." I here Nadia snap from the doorway. "I kiss y/ns forehead and walk out. "that's not for you to decide. I can love whoever I want." I scoff at the thought of breaking up with y/n.




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