Part 21

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(A/n Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been nose deep in this Mattia being a father situation. But I will be posting on the regular now.)

✨Small Recap✨

"I think my dad is still alive"

✨End of small recap✨

They all looked at me with wide eyes walking towards the laptop sitting in front of them. The man on the screen was my 'Dead' father. I never really knew him but my 'fake' mom always showed me pictures of him. He had brown slicked back hair, hazel but deadening eyes that can kill you with one glance, and a small beard.

"Are you sure? I mean what the hell is going on?" asked a very agitated Mike.

"I don't know, but if his men talked to you that means there is a good chance they know where we live. But that's besides the point. Yes that is him. I have a picture that I always kept with me, and never let go, of my father. He's a slight older by look" I said as I laid out the photo of him.

The boys all picked up the photo and examined it. Eyes flicking back between the screen matching the details.

"Bloody hell. Why is trying to kill his own daughter? Why is he just now popping up?" Said Kobe

As we were all bickering, Carlos came down and joined us.

"So if he is involved with Longstick, then that makes it ten times harder to capture him. That means we'll have to capture both of them and we don't have enough people for that. Along with the fact that he also has bodyguards" Said Vallyk with a sigh.

"We don't have to worry about people. Alex and I will handle that, but we need to start loading the truck  Also Carlos, you're with me."

" What you mean I'm with you? Your man is right here" said Carlos

"Not in that way dumbass. Where you not in the meeting last night? Whatever. You're in my group." I said with a sigh.


I was now 3:00am. We wanted to do it at midnight. we went back over the plan, making sure everyone was noted on what we need to do and go. I was still a little devastated that father, who was presumed dead, was still alive. Very much alive. Why would he leave his daughter alone after all that has happened? He obviously knew that I was live after all this time and has been keeping tabs if he knew where I was and about the guys.

"Okay so this is in they very back of the house. Alex's group will go in here first to make sure; 1: Mrs. Longstick and Marcos is not in there. If so, make no noises and get them out. 2: That there is no more than 7 guards are on duty. If yes then take them out with knives. We can't afford to fail this or have them on alert" I said as everyone was gathered around 

"What if one of them is not there? Then what?" said Alex as he took a sip from his cup.

"If one is not there then they know we're coming." I responded

"How will they know we're coming?" Said Kobe

"Because. If they're working on killing me and tried to get you guys to do it then that means that they would be together at all times. There is a good chance that we will all split, so meet me at the airport and use code 'omertà'. " I responded

At that moment, Alex's eyes widened. In this house at this moment, only Alex and I knew what it truly meant.

"And what the hell does that mean?" said a curious Alejandro

"It means a code of silence about criminal activity and a refusal to give evidence to authorities." I said

"And what happens if we get caught?" said Mattia

"Well may God be with you. Anyways, after we get the signal that it's all clear, we go in. No matter what we can't make any noises. So we will search every inch of the house to find them. My group will cover upstairs. Alex's group will cover basement. In total there should be 12 guards on duty tonight." I finished and rolling the map up and stashing it away.

"Now we have 8 hours until we all leave. Eat, sleep, shop. Do whatever because they will have men go after us. They are no dummies'. Once we leave there is no coming back or having any contact with anyone here. They are no dummies'. They will also try to talk to you and convince you into doing anything, so therefore drug them, tie them, and blindfold them." I said

Everyone sighed and went there separate ways expect for Mike.

"Yes Mike" I sighed as I sat down

"Can we talk Renee?"

"I guess"

"I know that we're still not on good terms but please, I want you to know that no matter what I will always love you. Through thick and thin" And with that he walked away.

I was frozen in my seat. Not moving, but replaying what he said over and over.

'He Loves me'

"Well that was a show" said Alex

"Were you here the whole time?" I asked clearing my throat and sitting up.



"Whatever, goodbye" I said getting up and walking away

This is about to be one hell of a day and night

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