where it all started

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It was 6am when my alarm went off. I was so mad because I had to wake up so early. I got up out of bed to go shower. I forgot that my step stool was next to my bed and forgot how tall my bed was. So as I stood up I fell of the bed.

My name is Renee. I'm 16 years old and recently had to move in with my one of my mom's closet friend. My mom is an undercover spy. She goes on plenty of dangerous missions, but this one was different.

As I lie down on the floor I had a flashback.

✨Flash back✨

It was a Saturday after noon and my mom and I was chilling on the couch. We were watching a scary movie until my mom got a phone call. I paused the movie

Mom: hello?

???: We need you to go on a mission

Mom: right now?

???: Yes, This is a very important mission

Mom: okay, name?

My mom's face went from serious to frightened. I tried to lean in to hear what the other person on the other line was saying but my mom got up and walked away. I was a little scared because I've never seen mom scared. But I didn't think to much of it. I sat there waiting for my mom to come back into the room to tell me what happened but all I saw was her packing her equipment and clothes. I was confused because she was packing more stuff than ever.


Y: mom?

I said with a serious look.

Mom: not now Renee I need to keep packing. You're going to stay worth Aunt Mary (her friend. I always called her aunt because she was like a aunt to me).

Y: But why though mom

I said as I flopped down on her bed

She stopped and turned to me

Mom: I'll be gone for 2 years or more. This is the most dangerous mission i've ever been on but That's all I can tell you. Aunt Mary will be here in the morning go pack your stuff. I got up and rolled my eyes because I knew what was going to happen.

And that was the last time I saw my mom. This all happened last week and i've been miserable without my mom

✨end of flash back✨

I got up off the floor and went in the bathroom and took a shower. I got out and did my hygiene and all that good stuff. I had super curly hair and didn't feel like combing it so I put in a messy bun then put on my clothes.

 I had super curly hair and didn't feel like combing it so I put in a messy bun then put on my clothes

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This is what you put on

I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs. Aunt Mary wasn't home so I grabbed a snack bar and hopped into my SUV and drove to school.

 Aunt Mary wasn't home so I grabbed a snack bar and hopped into my SUV and drove to school

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Your SUV. I arrived at school and all eyes were on me. I forgot to mention that I was the baddie of the school and also on the girls basketball team but planned on quitting the sport. I never really had a crush except Michael Chong.

He was the only dude I really had a crush on but always pushed my feelings to the side. I hopped out the car and started walking towards the school until my bestie Maya hopped on my back

 I hopped out the car and started walking towards the school until my bestie Maya hopped on my back

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M: Heyyyy bitchhhhhh

Y: heyyyy

I said as I turned around hopping on her back knowing she would fall because I knew I had extra junk in the trunk.

M: Sooooo....

Y: Maya I know that look, what did you do?

M: I might have might of not told Mike you liked him

My eyes got big and she ran. I chased her into the building yeller at her and then ran into the one and only Mike.

(A/n lovess, hope you're enjoying rhe book and please don't forget to vote and
Comment please. And also to let you know I'm writing another chapter.😘)

In love with Slimedupmike Aka Michael ChongDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora