Part 25

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Alright, I'm back. It has been a long time. I took a long break from the internet because a lot was going on but now I'm going to try to update regularly. While I was out I did realize a few things.  If any of you need to talk to someone I am here. You all can contact me on my Instagram  Dabarbiee.tess.

"Alright now the get this show on the road" clapped Antonio

I was nervous. I haven't seen Kairi in a while. Knowing that we're both working for two different strong parties. As we started waling towards the the trucks, another similar black one pulled up.

"Renee, my darling, you will be transported to the house immediately. I will take the men on a little city tour if that is alright with you? Who cares we're going anyways" cheered Antonio

As Antonio walked away, everyone turned around and looked at me with worried looks. I was scared too, because I didn't want to leave them. I knew i had to do what he said or he'd get suspicious.

"It's okay guys, i'll go back to the house and see what I can found out. Tour the city and keep your eyes out for any and everything. He owns clubs, restaurants,   hotels. He owns half this city. We get some dirt on him we can take him down. If not we gotta go solo. Meet me in the middle of the city in 5 hours. Go." I seethed

I picked up my side bag and my hat and walked to the third car. Everyone else walked to the two. I walked around to the back of the truck and threw my bag in the bag. I looked at everyone else one more time and got in. 

"Can we stop somewhere so I can get me another computer?" I asked the driver

She turned around and gave me a glare. I noticed her nose ring and the slit in her eyebrow right away.

"As long as you don't bitch about how scared you are."

"Good to see you too Beth. Although not so much for your breath. Now drive" 

Beth was an old ex- friend. Found our she worked for Antonio a few years back. She hated me though. Always tried killing me because I was in a better Mafia and did a better job. Our bossed always assigned us the same assignment to see who'd come back alive.

Of course we both survived but I was always the one who completed the mission. Don't get me wrong, she can kick ass, just not as good as me. She hasn't completed her training. She was a wannabe pick me girl. She had long blonde hair with black roots. Of course the bangs. She had beautiful dark blue eyes and a black mole right above her lip on the right side.

I got my laptop and headed back to the house, It was a beautiful place, but I had more things to worry about than the shiny flooring. 

🎈Today's part is short today. It's very hot and I have to plan my birthday pary so have an amazing day🎈

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