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I looked up to see who had stepped out in front of me. It was my ex, Kobe Morris. We dated for about 4 months. I broke up with him because he was starting to be an asshole and cheated every night so I called it quits 5 months  ago. Sadly he's best friends with Mike and them

K: Hey beautiful he said while lifting my chin

Y: Get off if me I said while swatting his hand away

K: You know you've missed me

Y: Yeah, no

Sooner or later Mike caught up with me (Finally🙄). Mike knows everything that happened between be and Kobe so he wasn't very fond of him at the moment.


He looked up and saw Kobe and got quiet.

Y: Look kobe, You can take your bean headass to class and leave me tf alone.

K: awww baby u mad?

Y: I'm not your baby and plus I have a manz

K: I don't see him

Mike slapped my ASS as he saw me looking around

Mi: This my bae right here

K: *laughs loudly* you two? Together? As if

Mike then pulled me in and then kissed me. This kiss felt AMAZING. We've never kissed before and it didn't even feel fake. It's like we were in a relationship. I then pulled myself from him then winked.

Y: As I said, i'm in a relationship

Mike pulled me closer.

Mi: Awww baby you mad? Mocking Kobe

I smirked

K: Yeah whatever

He push passed us our heads both followed him as he walked away. I then hugged Mike because the whole time he was holding my hand and the whole time he was squeezing it.

Y: Hey, I'm proud of you

Mi:... You sound like my mom

Y: Yeah what ever

I was about to kiss him again because I actually liked it until I got a text.

Hey Renee can we talk after school?

Yeah that's cool, you and the boys can come over after school


Yeah, we can talk privately at my house. Okay?

Okay ttyl


Y:okay so good news.

Mi: What?

Y: You and the bo-

I paused. I realize that Mike was carrying me in the opposite direction of our next class.
Y: whacha doin?

Mi: You'll see

Then Maya texted me to see where I was

Gurlll where are you

Uh... Skipping

Okay well I'll see you at lunch and GURLLL guess what


I got some tea😏

Okayyyy, gtg ttly😍

I then looked up and saw Mike looking at me annoyed.

Mi: you done yet?

Y: Mike where the hell are we?

He walked towards me and kissed me

Mi: Damn it Renee, I can't help it

Y: What's wrong Mikey?

Mi: Be my girl, I'll give you the world

Y: ofc Mikey

I kissed him back then ran out the room. I ran to class and again he couldn't catch me. We get to class and the teacher wasn't in there. I quickly went and sat down and Mike not far behind. We sat down and started laughing and then we both told Maya everything and we all laugh.

(A/n hey loves. I'm getting pretty sleepy. I'll post 2 or 3 more tomorrow. Thank you for reading❤) I also didn't proof read sooooo yeah.

In love with Slimedupmike Aka Michael ChongWhere stories live. Discover now